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Pov Dipper

I was helping Grunkle Stan with a few things. We were counting inventory for the gift shop. I've been keeping my power growth a secret from Stan. I don't think he should know and the atmosphere has been weird lately.

Stan and Ford haven't been talking at all. Mabel doesn't know why they haven't been talking to each other. Even when they do fight with each other they still speak to each other.

"Everything is in stock," I smiled at him.
"I think Ford took one of my items to his lab," Stan sighed.
"Do you want me and Mabel to get it?" I asked him.
"Yes," Stan said.

I walked to the living room and Mabel was watching TV. I told her that we have to get to something from Ford's lab. Shen turned off the TV and followed me.

"Are we going to the lab or the other one?" Mabel asked.
"The lab," I said.
We both started to walk to his normal lab and Mabel had a small idea, "What if while we're there we accidentally walk into the secret lab."
I gasped playfully, "Mabel."
"I mean maybe I spied on Ford and found a cool secret entrance like in the movies," Mabel smiled.
"Let's go," I smiled.

Mabel quickly pulled me to the lab. Our smiles widened in rebellion. Ford and Stan thought that we didn't know about the secret lab. I still can't believe that they think we don't pay attention to everything.

Thankful for Mabel and Waddles being small she was able to find a secret entrance. Mabel placed a small bow tie on Waddles with a camera inside and sent him to spy on their uncle. Waddles secretly followed Ford everywhere until the secret room was shown. Mabel just told me everything as she showed me the secret entrance.

Before we entered I found what Stan was looking for and gave it to him. Mabel told Waddles to go in and walk around the lab before coming out. He was told not to leave until they come in. It was our cover in case he had cameras. We waited a bit before we walked in.

As we walked inside the secret entrance we both giggle and I could tell Mabel was as excited as I was. I mean who hasn't dreamed about finding a secret entrance? I know I have.

I started to feel a little anxious since we were finally doing this. I mean I was worried that we might get caught, but there is a possibility that we won't. The quietness started to scare me a bit. I started to get this haunting feeling that I know isn't normal.

As we finally made it to the bottom of the staircase we only saw fancy computers and technology that we couldn't understand. I looked over at one of the shelves and saw boxes filled with food from over a decade.

"What do you think Ford has all this food?" Mabel questioned.
"I mean they almost had the end of the world," I suggested.
"I mean everything is dusty so this had to be before the end of the world experience," Mabel blew on the dusty box, "Christ *cough cough* that was a bad idea."
"It was," I coughed, "Do you think that Ford knows..."
"I don't think so, but Grunkle Stan said he's also been paranoid that he might return," Mabel said.
"I guess that makes sense since everything he had done," I said.
"I think that he didn't mean to do it," Mabel muttered, "He was projecting his angry since he doesn't know why he's angry."
"You really think that?" I started to walk deeper into the lap.
"Remember that he doesn't remember a certain part of his life," Mabel followed me, "Maybe that angry comes from that part of his life?"
"That could be it," I mumbled, "Even in reality for some people that wouldn't be an excuse."
"I feel like in certain situations it can be, but we are talking about an all-powerful demon that doesn't know how to express emotions due to trauma," Mabel said.
"You know what I've been thinking about," I muttered.
"What are you thinking about?" Mabel asked me.
"I was-"

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