Mabel's Adventure

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Third Person

Mabel needed to figure out more about the legend. She needed to know more and none of the monsters were helping. Every time they asked the Monster would say the same thing, "We cannot tell you. You must figure it out on your own."

She took filled her bag with snacks, water, a first aid kit, and the book that was given to them. She was curious about her place in the legend since the witch told her she was important to this mess.

Her theory wasn't disproven. About how mythology was the original world, but something happened to make it all disappear. She knew that Bill had to remember that time, but he didn't which was odd since he's been alive for so long. Something with his memory must have been erased or blocked. She just knew it, but she wanted to take this adventure alone.

Dipper needed a break from the craziness and she wanted to be helpful. Mabel threw her bag out of the window so Stan wouldn't be suspicious of her mission. She told Stan that she was going into town since she was bored.

She raced outside and picked up her bag to go into the woods. She took out her book and went through her bookmarks. She also borrowed Dipper's monster journal.

She needed to find a certain monster. Mabel remembered Dipper telling her about a monster that had babies. She knew that it was a monster that spoke the human language. That was her only clue to finding the creature who knew everything.

"Here baby ghost," Mabel shouted, "I have chips!"
"Do they even eat human food? Should I even give them human food?" Mabel mumbled to herself, "I think I have an orange in here since they are monsters."

Mabel walked around the woods for two hours and still couldn't find the creature. She sat down and took a break.

"Maybe the magic book that lady gave to Dipper can help me," She said.

Mabel opened the book and started to look through different pages. Some of them were in a different language. She knew that it wasn't any human language.

As she looked closer at the drawings. There was a triangle and a daisy somewhere hidden in every drawing. They were always together...

She knew that those weren't recent. Why didn't she notice them before? On one of the pages, there was a drawing of a beautiful pond. There was information about the pond and how it healed people that were dying. But it only appeared when it was truly needed or if the person deserved it.

"This can't be Dipper's handwriting..." There was cursive writing on the bottom, "This doesn't look like pen ink but Dipper hasn't even read the book all the way through. I'm pretty deep inside the book. I also told him not to write in it."
"My love, my world, the brightest thing in my life. Remember this lake and think of all we've done together... We both promised to keep them safe and each other." Mabel read out loud, "I will love you for eternity since you promised our love will last as long."
"That's so cute," Mabel mumbled, "I wonder if there are more little notes."

Mabel started to read more and she saw more little notes. They were sweet and loving. Near the end of the pages, there was a note that wasn't written by the author.

The handwriting was shaky and she felt the emotion, "I love you, my love. I'm sorry that I could not save you."

Mabel noticed that her necklace was glowing. She brushed her finger over the writing and all of a sudden saw the world.

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