Crystal and Berries

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Third Person

Pacifica was lying in bed staring at Sammy. He was sleeping right next to her on the pillow. She couldn't believe it and was curious if Sammy even knew she had monster blood or if he could talk. She knew that she couldn't talk to Mabel on the phone because someone could hear her and give away what the twins were up to.

She thought about everything that had happened. A part of her was happy that she was a part of whatever the twins were doing while another part of her was scared. She was afraid of the fact that Ford might hurt everyone when the time comes.

She was curious if they thought about the ceremony and how they were going to do it safely. Ford had the technology to sense when strong energy is close by especially demon magic. There were just so many things that filled her mind.

She finally sat up and quickly took out a box that was under her bed. She opened the box to make sure that it was the right one. She quickly changed since she was in her pajamas before grabbing the box and Sammy. She couldn't leave him alone and she had never left him in the house. Her parents still haven't noticed that she owned a snake.

Sammy still managed to stay asleep in her purse. She raced out of the house since her parents were nowhere to be found when she arrived home. They were always gone. She raced to the mystery shack hoping that Mabel was at home. She should have called, but that slipped her mind.

She knocked on the door and waited for someone to respond while hoping that Ford wasn't going to answer. She saw the doorknob and she started to hold the box close to her chest tightly.

"Good morning, Pacifica," Stan said.
"Good morning, Stan," Pacifica said, "Is Mabel or Dipper home?"
"Both of them are in Mabel's room," Stan told her.

Stan let her in and told her she could go upstairs. She walk towards her room and knocked on the door softly. Mabel shouted to come in and Pacifica opened the door.

"Hey," Dipper smiled.
"Hey Pacifica," Mabel smiled.
"Hey you two," She smiled.
"What's with the box?" Dipper asked.
"I started to think about everything that happened yesterday," Pacifica explained, "I started to think about how when you and Bill do the ceremony it'll be some big thing. I assume that we need to protect you too."
"We shouldn't be too worried," Mabel said, "I was given this necklace and it's powerful."
"Extra protection wouldn't be bad," Pacifica told them, "Especially with Ford. We all know that he'll think of something to stop us."
"She isn't wrong," Dipper said.
"Is the thing in that box?" Mabel questioned.
"Kind of, but not really. There is an underwater cave in the lake. It has these crystals and we can make them into bracelets and it'll make a bubble around us," She explained, "We do need more things. I stole some stuff from Ford before I stopped going to his lab. I have a map of where the is cave, flashlights with a taser, pictures, and how to make it."
"Are we going today?" Dipper asked.
"We should go today," Pacifica said, "We don't have to go deep inside the cave. We just need to figure out how we're going to breathe."
"I can handle that," Dipper said.
"Good," Pacifica said, "I also have unicorn hair for the bracelets."
"Did you bring a swimsuit?" Mabel asked.
"It's under my clothes," She told her.
"I'll get ready," Dipper teleported away.
"He's getting better each day," Mabel said.
"I'll step outside so you can change," Pacifica said.
"Okay," Mabel said.

As she waited she saw Dipper teleport next to her with a backpack.

"Is Sammy coming with us?" Dipper asked.
"Oh shit," Pacifica muttered, "Snakes can't breathe underwater. He also hates the water."
"What if we ask Grunkle Stan to watch over him while we're gone?" Dipper suggested.
"Do you think he could?" Pacifica mumbled while looking in her purse.
"We should ask," Dipper said.

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