She knows

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Third Person

"Sammy, I have to talk to Mabel," Pacifica said while getting ready, "I just need to know if I'm right."
"Sammy, don't look at me like that," She sighed, "I'm just worried about her and for everyone in town."
"Just get on before I leave you here," Pacifica looked at him.

Sammy flew to her shoulders. She closed her door and went through the front door. She shouted that she was leaving, but like always no one answered. Her parents were busy planning for their party which was supposed to be their biggest one yet. Pacifica stopped going to the parties when she turned fourteen when she finally stuck up for herself and told them that she wasn't going to be a part of big events anymore.

She walked out and knowing that she was popping by without notice. She was hoping that no one that she knew personally saw her because then they would want to tag along and she needed to be alone with her. She went to the store and grabbed everything that Mabel loved so it will be easier for her to tell her what she knew.

When she was walking towards the shack she shouted at Sammy, "Where are you going?"

Sammy did not listen and went into the woods. She raced after Sammy and shouted for him to come back. She finally caught up to him, but he willingly stopped. She heard laughter coming from somewhere and she followed. Sammy came back onto her shoulders and stayed quiet.

"I believe that bush was an actual monster," Mabel said, "I hate that you made that thing scares me!"
"Haha, I'm sorry, Shooting star," Bill laughed, "It was a little funny."
"You have to give it to him, Mabel," Dipper chuckled, "It was a little funny, but you also scared the shit out of him a while ago."
"Whatever," Mabel sighed, "We still have to find that location since that talking toad gave us the wrong place."
"We can find it," Bill smiled at them, "We just have to try harder."
"I don't get why we can't teleport," Mabel sighed, "It'll be so much faster."
Dipper looked at Mabel, "How am I supposed to find this place where none of us know where it is?"
"I mean, we could just teleport to random places until we find it," Mabel said.
Bill hugged Dipper from behind and kissed his cheek, "We'll find the place soon and even if we don't that will be okay. We'll look for it another day if it gets too dark."
"Bill," Dipper blushed.
"Maybe we can ask a monster for help," Mabel said, "They know the woods better than us anyway."

Pacifica felt a spider crawl on her hand and she screamed by instinct. She's always hated them even when she's seen scarier stuff.

"Oh my god, get it off!" Pacifica shouted.

She quickly jumped away from her hiding spot and shook her hand. At first, she wasn't fully aware that she had even shouted. She just wanted the spider off of her.

They all quickly made eye contact with each other. Dipper held Bill's hand tight as they stared at each other.

It was quiet.

No one made a sound. No one moved.

Mabel looked at Pacifica and didn't know what to say at first. Pacifica's thoughts were racing because she couldn't believe it.

So many questions entered her mind.

"W-We can explain," Dipper was the first one to break the silence.

Pacifica didn't speak.

"Pacifica?" Mabel mumbled.
"I don't know how, but I brought him back. He's been helping me learn how to control how to use my powers, he's helped me understand who I am. He has no plan into causing any trouble," Dipper told her, "Please, I'm begging you... don't tell Ford."

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