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Third Person

Bill needed to see Dipper since he knew that he was going to be extremely upset. Having a clear picture of how his powers are going to work he knew that Dipper needed to be comforted or else everything will be destroyed. That was his fear of course that he would destroy everything out of grief and frustration.

Bill teleported near the mystery shack and used his powers to see if anyone was inside the shack. He saw Mabel and Stan in the living room talking, and Ford was in the lab and ignoring everyone as usual.

"What if he doesn't wake up until tomorrow," Bill thought, "What if I get caught by Ford..."

Bill started to feel anxious about being near the mystery shack. Stan knows that he's alive... He was putting himself and his two only meatsacks in danger.

He started to think about Stan and the many ways that he could betray him. He was still surprised that he let him live, but a part of him still thought that it was a trick.

He felt panicked and anxious as he thought about going into the shack. He just needed to clear things up with him. Bill teleported into Dipper's room and locked the door.

He turned around and sat on the floor staring at him. He placed his hand on top of his.

"I'm glad you're okay," Bill smiled, "I'm sorry that I scared you, but I did mean everything that I told you."

Dipper opened his eyes and at first, he couldn't believe what happened in his mind. Tears started to flow down until he saw Bill alive and well.

"Pinetree," Bill mumbled.

Dipper didn't say a word and just stared at him. He slowly sat up as tears slowly ran down his face. Bill was about to stand up until Dipper tackled him to the ground.

His eyes turned a bright blue and everything in his room started to float.

"What the hell, Bill!" Dipper shouted, "What is the matter with you!"
"Sapling, I'm so sorry," Bill said.
"I thought I lost you forever and- and," Dipper started to stutter.

He got off Bill and looked at him. Bill crawled next to him but he wasn't having it.

"You can't do that to a person!" Dipper shouted, "You can't just kiss someone and then tell them that you're never coming back!"

Bill looked around and realized that he needed him to calm down. What the two didn't know was Dipper's emotions were affecting the monsters. The monsters felt panic, sadness, and anger. The monstrous plants started to overgrow and affect the town. Plants started to take over the streets.

"You can't just tell me that," Dipper cried.
"If I would have known that I would have another day to look into your eyes then I would have never said that," Bill placed his hand on his cheek, "You know that I would never try to hurt you on purpose."

Bill whipped his tears away before placing his on top of his.

"Did you even know that you were going to die?" Dipper asked while pulling swaying and hugging his knees, "Or was it a random hunch?"
"I was surprised that he didn't kill me," Bill placed his hand on top of his, "After everything that I did... I never thought in a million years that he would spare my life."

Dipper let go of his knees and leaned back as he faced the ceiling.

"I wish you never told me that you were going to die even when you were hundred percent sure," Dipper told him.

It was quite a first.

"I thought it would hurt less if I told you... that if I said my goodbyes and how much you mean to me," Bill looked at him, "You wouldn't hurt more than you seeing my body."
"Me knowing hurt more..." Dipper said, "Thinking that it was our final time seeing each other."

Bill felt Dipper hug him. Bill saw everything beginning to float down again where everything was supposed to go. The plants from the town started to disappear from the streets.

"I'm sorry that I scared you," Bill told him, "I still meant everything I told you."
"I'm sorry too," Dipper nuzzled his head onto his chest.
"You didn't do anything wrong," Bill told him.
"I-I shouldn't be mad at you thought you were going to die," Dipper said, "With your history, it makes sense why you would think that."
Bill kissed the top of his head and held him, "You taught me that showing my emotions was a part of meatsack life. I wanted you to let it out before you didn't..."

Dipper looked at Bill and placed his hand on his cheek. His thumb brushed against his cheekbone as he stared at his eyepatch.

"What happened in my head," Dipper asked, "I remember you have both eyes."
"Your head created a being that represented your power," Bill told him, "You and Shooting Star call it Birdskull."
"It's been in my dreams since I was little," Dipper mumbled.
"I was told that to save you," Bill said, "I needed to give up my eye so you wouldn't die."
"W-What?" Dipper was in shock.
"I would do it again if I had to," Bill smiled softly, "I don't regret a thing."
"Bill, I'm so sorry," Dipper said.
"It's okay," Bill mumbled, "I'm just happy that you're okay. You just have to start using your powers more often."
"Was that why I was asleep for the entire morning?" Dipper muttered.
"Yes," Bill said, "Holding in power like yours is harmful to your body. Since you didn't know you had them and then started using them recently. It was too much for your body."
"I'm sorry that I hurt you," Dipper mumbled.
"You didn't do a thing," Bill told him.
"Yes, I did. I created Birdskull and they hurt you," Dipper told him, "It means I hurt you by association."
"Sapling, no," Bill said, "You didn't know that you created this creature in your mind. It's not your fault and it will never be."
"I just feel bad..." Dipper mumbled, "I feel bad for everything."

Bill looked at him and smiled softly at him. Dipper was confused why Bill was smiling.

"You have no reason to feel bad about everything... I wouldn't be thinking clearly if I was told after being kissed that they were dying." Bill said, "I understand why you were upset. I know you're still a bit sad about what happened."

Dipper hugged him and they sat there in silence. His eyes started to glow as he mumbled.

"I'll always love you."

Bill's eyes glowed softly as they held each other.
They were both glad each other was still alive, but some emotions were still in the room. Sadness still remained, but it was a more happy sadness.

They stayed in the room until Bill had to leave. If it was up to him he would never leave.

A Summer that I won't forgetWhere stories live. Discover now