Magical Book

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Mabel's Pov

It was a little strange seeing a random person on top of Dipper when I first entered his room yesterday. I mean I thought about throwing something, but I had nothing to throw. Also, I feel like it would have been too loud.

Bill seemed pretty cool and nice to talk to. He told me about his past which somewhat surprised me. He didn't go into deep detail, but he told us the basics. Like he wanted to rule the world and failed. Bill did bring up how Gideon was involved and was on his side at one point, but also Ford and him made a deal at one point. I mean I actually didn't expect him to be so honest about it. 

We have to keep an eye on Ford and Gideon especially with this new information. I mean they tell us not to make friends or deal with Bill, but they've made some. I haven't made a deal with him and I don't think Dipper has been either.

I mean being friends with a powerful demon is pretty cool. I mean who hasn't thought about it. Honestly, I remember as a kid I thought about ruling the world at one point... It's still a joke dream I have since it would be kinda cool.

Since Dippin Dot's said he was cool then I have nothing to worry about. I mean he's smarter than me and can talk to monsters so I'm not going to second guess him.

Bill told me how he technically started the black plague which was interesting. I mean Woah... Humans are kinda assholes.

I mean I know that they are, but the deals that humans make are really stupid. I mean Bill told me that the person that made the wish died after since he also got infected. It technically wasn't Bill's fault since the person wasn't really specific and added no rules.

Dipper hasn't left his room in a while and he needs sun. It's getting paler by the second in my eyes. He also needs social interaction. He does go outside but it's only with the monsters. I love them and all, but he needs human interaction.

I went up to the attic and knocked on Dipper's door. He opened the door and let me in.

I sat on his bed and looked at him, "When was the last time you've been into town?"
"I don't remember, but I think it was that one time when we both went to the library." At least he was honest.
"What if we went into town? Just the two of us since we haven't spent time with each other,"  I suggested.
"The funny part was that we did try it's just people keep joining out of nowhere," Dipper chucked as he sat down next to me.
"Or we've spent it all in the library since there is a big mystery that we're both trying to answer," I said.
"Are we going to the mall?" Dipper asked me.
"Maybe, I still don't know but we can walk around and stuff," I told him.
"Let's go since I am getting bored," Dipper smiled, "Just let me change."
"Yeah!" I smiled, "Change into something cute! I want to take pictures!"
"Alright, Mabel," Dipper chuckled.

I raced out and went to change. I was honestly surprised that he said yes. I was ready to bribe him and everything. I packed a little backpack since I'm not caring all of my stuff.

I'm in a skirt mood so I'm wearing a black skirt. I matched it with a pink crop top with the shooting star, white crew socks, black shoes, and star earrings.

I hear Dipper knock on the door and I quickly opened it. He was wearing black high-waisted jean shorts, a navy blue button-up shirt with yellow stripes tucked in, black boots with a belt, bracelets, and his triangle necklace.

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