Dipper's Adventure

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Third Person

Dipper was in his room relaxing until he got bored of being in the house. He had already read the books from his bookshelf and had no one to talk to in his room.

"I wonder if Mabel is back yet," Dipper mumbled.

Stan assumed that Dipper was with Mabel so he didn't bother checking upstairs. Dipper sneaked downstairs to Mabel's room to see if she was there.

"She isn't here yet," Dipper muttered, "I wonder how long she will take."

Dipper sat on her bed and hugged one of her stuffed animals. He looked at Mabel's dry erase board. What if I summon Bill? Dipper thought.

Dipper knew that it was risky since he was on the ground floor and not the attic. Dipper went over to the board and started to draw the cipher wheel.

Dipper was about to finish until he stared at his arm. He still hasn't told anyone about his cipher mark. Dipper has been thinking about telling Bill and Mabel, but every time he does he doesn't.

"Entangulum meteforis dominus ventium," Dipper whispered.

The board glowed and Bill appeared. He wasn't small like last time disappointing Dipper a bit. He erased the board quickly.

"Hey, Pinetree," Bill smiled.
"Bill," Dipper smiled and hugged Bill.

Bill accepted the embrace and held Dipper. He started to stroke Dipper's hair and smile at him.

"Why are we in Shooting star's room?" Bill asked.
"Let's go to my room," Dipper smiled.
"Alright," Bill smiled.

Bill teleported the both of them to Dipper's room. Bill sat on his bed and Dipper locked the door. Bill smiled softly as Dipper crawled next to him.

"We were in Mabel's room because she had a dry and erase board and I could just erase the evidence of summoning you," Dipper smiled.
"That's smart," Bill smiled softly.

Dipper turned on his TV so they could watch stupid horror movies. They both started to talk about random things and completely ignored the movie at that point.

Bill slowly stopped talking and just watched Dipper talk. Bill couldn't help but look at the scar that Ford caused. Dipper felt Bill's hand cup his cheek. His thumb brushed against his cheekbone where his scar ended. 

"I'm sorry that I couldn't save you," Bill muttered.
Dipper was quiet for a bit before whispering, "This wasn't your fault."
"It is my fault because if I wasn't such a horrible person then he wouldn't have set up those traps," Bill said, "Everything I did made those traps exist..." 
"That's not true," Dipper told him, "You may be one of the reasons he made those traps, but he uses them for other things too. He traps and hurts other things that are monsters or demons." 
"I'm still one of those reasons why you got hurt," Bill told him.
"Ford is just an asshole half the time. He doesn't like me one bit and he doesn't feel bad about hurting me. He has been told several times about those nets and he still uses them," Dipper explained, "At that point... He's the one hurting me and not you."
"I could have saved you," Bill said.
Dipper asked him softly, "How?"
"I-I don't know how, but there was a way. I should have been there," Bill said, "I-I should have known. When I first saw your scar I was scared. What if Ford's net killed you?"
Dipper had never thought about that, "But I didn't."
"What if you did? What if that was the last time I saw you and Shooting star had to tell me that you passed away? I would never forgive myself if you left me... especially when I could have done something," Bill said, "I-I could have done something to save you. When I saw that scar I felt like everything was being taken away from me in a matter of seconds. I feel like I've already lost so much and I-I can't lose you too."
"Bill, you can't always know when things are going to happen," Dipper moved closer to Bill, "All we can ever hope is for us to be okay..." 

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