the fights that decide it all (part 3)

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Sting  POV

Hayato: finally he's dead, i did it YEEEEEESSSS GET SHIT ON NERD GO SUCK ON SATAN YOU GOON

Triple h: well i never expected a different reaction than that, did anyone?

Sting: not really

DDP: nah

Jeff: i dont know what i thought he would say

Hall: hey yo i said hey yo can we continue chicos?

Jeff: honestly you dont seem to be very sad about the death of nash

Hogan: well dude you dont seem to be sad about shawn

Matt: BUT HE'S ALIVE my blonde friend

Hogan: hall you trash how do you fail that?

Hall: hey dont i don't know chico okay

Matt: ANYWAY it is what is, now let us continue to the next and possibly final BOUTA

Hogan: it wont be brother once im done with sting i'll crush the rest

Sting: oh just try you drug fiend

Hogan: how dare you accuse me of using steroids weed and heroine

Sting: i never specifically said which ones

Hogan: fuck

*hogan launches himself at sting*

Sting: no

*sting throws poison at Hogan making hogan block his eyes, then sting seen an opening jump a little above hogan then kicking him in the back of the head*

Sting: as far as i see it you stand no chance you might be stronger but you truly suck at fighting, try better

Hogan: once i have my hands on you dude you wish you were dead duuuuude

*sting charges at hogan with an insane speed and knees him in the stomach*

Hogan: you might be fast but you cant hurt me

*sting pulls pulls out a black baseball bat*

Sting: lets see about that

*sting throws a flurry of attacks with the bat still showing no effect*

*hogan was able to catch on of the strikes and hold onto the bat pulling sting to him*


*hogan pulls sting to him punching him sending him flying*

*sting lands on his back but is able yo backflip out of it and land on his feet, hogan is already charging  at him*

(Good thing he's slow)

*sting jumps upwards, but suddenly hogan also jumps upwards*

Hogan: youre going nowhere

*hogan punches sting in the stomache then in the back sending him flying downwards, hogan lands then jumps really high again*


*hogan goes for the atomic leg drop and then a huge explosion follows*

Hogan: that must sting to know how lowly you are conpared to me

*the smoke settles and theres sting standing not at the center of the crator he was able escape the core of the explosion to avoid death but not enough to come out unscathed*

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