Chapter 3: Healing Wings

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"_____... _____ wake up." You opened your eyes and yawned, snuggling into the soft wings that held you. "Daruk, hand me the cloth again." Within a few seconds, you could feel something warm and wet on your neck, and a soreness on that spot began to register in your mind, and you blinked a few times as you looked up at Revali. "I've been so worried."

"Do you want me to get the healers again?" Daruk asked, and Revali shook his head.

"Not yet. I just want to be sure she's really okay before she gets overwhelmed with doctors." He brushed your hair out of your face and placed his wing on your chest and kept it there for a moment. "I can't tell how normal her pulse feels."

"That's because you're supposed to check it like this." Daruk gently held your wrist in his much larger hand, and he let go after just a few seconds. "I guess I can't tell either."

"_____, do you remember me?" Revali asked, and you nodded slowly and smiled as he cradled you.

"Of course I do, you're my rito." You sunk further into his embrace, and he blushed and pecked your head. "Hi Daruk." You managed groggily, and he smiled and waved to you a bit.

"Is she awake yet?" You saw a hylian doctor climb up into the small room, and that's when you looked outside and saw Rito Village in the distance. So you were at the flight range.

"Yes. We've been trying to check her pulse but we can't seem to do it." Revali sighed, and he helped you sit up a bit more so the doctor could properly examine you.

"Let me see then." He took some device and held it to the side of your neck and held it there for a few seconds before pulling it away to look at it. "Heartbeat is stable." He then ran a few more tests, like checking your eyes with a light and testing your memory, and then he just made sure that the wound was alright. "So, since the dart that got into her neck was a decent size, I don't know if her body has rid itself of the liquid yet. So if she fades in and out of consciousness for the next few hours, just know it's her mind handling the rest of it."

"Thank you, doctor." The hylian man nodded and left, and Daruk got up and stretched before grabbing his boulder breaker.

"I'll leave you two to be alone for a little bit, You said there were Lynel's around here, yeah?" Revali nodded, and Daruk then walked to the door. "If you need anything, just make that loud sharp bird sound, and I'll come running!" Daruk slid down the ladder, and Revali rolled his eyes a bit and called out again.

"Not all Rito can do that!" You could hear Daruk laugh as he left, and you let yourself fall back into Revali's wings.

"I thought you could do that. I've heard you." You gently stroked the feathers closest to his beak, and those same feathers were dusted with red as you did this.

"I can, but I just figured it was bold of him to assume that I could. Not that I don't appreciate the compliment.., I think." You giggled and kissed his cheek, happy with how red he had become in that matter of seconds.

"Oh yes, those of us in the champion team are very bold, Revali." You smiled as he let a small grin form on his beak, and with you still in the safety and comfort of his wings, he leaned over so the tip of his beak matched with the tip of your nose, and you laughed softly and blushed.

"I hate sometimes that I have a beak. It makes it very hard to kiss you." He wrapped one wing around your waist and the other around your head, and this made you even redder as he turned his head a bit and attempted to kiss your lips without hurting you. He held you for what felt like forever, and it might as well have been that long with how badly you wanted it to never end. He pulled away from you and then let you bury your rose-colored face into his neck, and he rested his beak on your head. "I love you. So much."

"I love you too." You breathed out quietly as you felt yourself slowly dozing off, and Revali leaned back and soothed you lovingly until you fell asleep cuddled up with him.

You woke up as soon as you felt wood beneath you instead of the soft feathers you had been napping on, and you saw Revali packing up a backpack. He zipped it up and instead of putting it on his back, he put it on his chest before walking over to you, noticing your eyes half open.

"I'm taking you back to the village, The blizzards are rolling back in and I can't have us get stuck out here when they hit. Come on." He helped you up and let you get on his back, and he began flying back towards the village.

"What about Daruk?" You asked, rubbing your eyes to wake yourself up a bit - even with the cold wind blowing through your hair helping you already.
"He headed back to the village a while ago. He should already be there." He continued to flap, and you had yourself sit more comfortably so that way it was easier for him to fly. "Are you feeling any better?"

"A little light-headed, but aside from that I'm okay." You said, now barely feeling any soreness from the dart anymore, and you felt like you had done all the sleeping you could for one day, now noticing that the sun was setting. "Did you get any sleep?"

"I haven't been able to sleep," He started, flying lower so he could land on the platform with the Rito symbol on it. "I just wanted to be sure you were okay." He landed on the landing, and set you down on the floor.

"Well, when we get back upstairs, I can try and help you relax enough to go to sleep, okay?" You told him, and he nodded, letting the bit of sleepiness in his eyes show. "Also, I just wanted to know what happened earlier?"

"Well... when that Nolan guy saw you, he shot that tranquilizer thinking you were alone. I think he got in trouble when Urbosa went back to lecture Rhoam." He explained, and you looked up at him.

"She lectured him?" You asked, trying to distract yourself from the fact that who would've been your husband - your childhood bestfriend - had shot you in the neck wuth a tranquilizer. But you were relieved that him and Rhoam would be getting what they deserved, being caught by the champion choices who had some rights of power thanks to Amirah. Urbosa and Mipha especially, since they were at the highest spots in their own kingdoms. So they could do some damage if they wanted.

"Yes, and next I think he's being set up with King Dorephan next. I'm not entirely sure, but we'll be able to find out tomorrow. Let's just get to bed for now." Once you got upstairs to your room, once Revali was comfortable in bed and waiting for you, you went to get yourself into something comfy for sleeping, yet when you came back, your rito was already fast asleep in your hammock. So you carefully climbed in to it with him, pulled the blanket over yourselves and laid there with it, gently petting him until you fell asleep too.


"Writing this was like eating cotton candy...

...with a hint of spicy mint"

ALSO! I totally forgot something in chapter 39!!!! I'm editing it rn so if you wanna see the extra spice you can go back

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