Chapter 13: The Letter

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The sound of birds chirping brought you back to full consciousness, and when you opened your eyes and looked out the window, you saw that it was still really early in the morning. And cloudy, too. You hid your face back into the blanket, feeling Revali nuzzle his beak further into your neck even while still asleep.

The chirping never stopped, but you saw no birds on the trees outside. And it never sounded like that many, either. You still tried to fall back asleep, needing your rest for the competition you and Revali had that day. But then suddenly the chirping was right in your ear.

You were startled when you saw a white bird perched onto your shoulder, and it hopped off and flew away and out the window when you moved. But there was something attached to its foot. Well, you didn’t worry too much about it when it left, trying again to get some more sleep as you started stroking Revali’s feathers in hopes it would relax you enough.

You thought you had dozed off for a while at this point, only to be awakened by the bird sitting snuggled up in between you and your husband. You nearly fell out of the hammock, and the bird frantically flew to the door, but then settled itself on your desk.

“_____... what’s wrong…?” Revali groaned, and you pet his head a few times and kissed his beak. “Are you okay?”

“Shhh, go back to sleep love.” You gently rubbed his head until he fell back asleep, and then you carefully got out of your hammock, glaring at the little menace that kept interrupting your sleep. You walked over to your desk and reached down to untie the ribbon that held a small note to its foot. “What is so important you had to wake me up, you?” You opened the note as you sat down and proceeded to read it.

Dear Queen _____,

His former majesty Rhoam has requested your presence at Hyrule Castle to speak with you regarding your honor of the Hyrulean Throne. Please send back to us if you’re not too busy, but if you could even come down here for a short while today, that would be great!

Regards, Captain Adrian

“Oh, dear goddess.” You gasped, and you looked back over at the bird to check the symbol on it’s wing gem, only to see the bird was now gone. You looked out the window, wondering where it could’ve gone so fast. But then you heard a yell.

“GET OFF ME!” You saw Revali flailing around as this bird basically attacking him, and you quickly rushed over to grab the bird. You held it gently even as it tried to put up a fight, and you checked it's wing gem. It had the triforce. “_____, what is going-“

The bird let out a high-pitched screech as it escaped you, but with the gem still being held by you, it flapped, causing the clip to break, hurting its wing. It landed next to Revali, and he gently picked it up.

“You poor child…” He held his wing over the bird’s back and you set the gem down and ran to get a small towel. You had Revali lift up the bird, and you laid the cloth out on his chest. Once he put the bird back down, you reached into your bag and grabbed some seeds.

“Here, give it some of this.” You handed him the bag, and then started to walk away but stopped. “Also, child?”

“Well, we as rito call these birds children. Children of the rito.” He continued to gently pet the small creature, feeding it some of the seeds. “We don’t eat our kind, unlike the Zora.” He coughed this last part, and you giggled a bit and rolled your eyes before running to get some stuff to help heal the bird.


“It’s okay, calm down.” You were trying to wash it’s wing off, and Revali was trying to keep it calm as you did this. It would flap you off every once in a while, but for the most part, it allowed you to do what you needed to.

“What was that paper you were reading?” Revali asked as you picked the bird up off his chest so you could get a better look at the wound. “Was it about the competition?”

“No,” You sighed, adding an extra substance to the water that would help with the bird’s healing process. “It was from Captain Adrian. Apparently Rhoam needs to see me about something to do with the throne.” You dipped the wing into the bowl again, and it started chirping loudly, and you gave it some food so it would sit still.

“When do you have to go?” He asked, and you huffed and let him hold the bird as you got up and walked to your closet.

“Today.” You grabbed your armor, the last thing you had that was from Hyrule, and then also grabbed your crown.

“Today? But the competition’s today!” He tilted his head and you nodded, walking to the door.

“He said it would be short, so I’ll be able to be back by the time it’s our turn, okay?” He sighed and nodded, and you went to get changed into your armor.


“Okay, I have to leave now to get there in time.” You put your sword on your back and carefully slid your crown into your bag before heaving it onto your shoulder.

“Do you want a ride?” Revali asked as he handed you your bow. “I have time to take you before I need to be there with Eagle and Parro.”

“It’s alright, I can take my horse. Besides, I have to take this little guy back with me.” You lifted up the small carrier you put the bird in so it could rest, and the two of you walked all the way to the bottom staircase from your room. “I’ll see you in a little while. I love you.”

“I love you too. Travel safe.” You waved to each other as you walked down the bridges towards the stable, and he went back upstairs to your room to get ready.

Once he got back up, he got dressed into his nicest armor and got all of his weapons together, and then grabbed the small letter you had received from Captain Adrian. He walked out to the platform, reading it over and over again. He was specifically looking over the part that said ‘Queen _____’.

He finally sighed as he looked out towards the castle, seeing you and your horse riding towards it in the distance. He huffed, shoving the note in his pocket. He flapped his wings a few times before leaping off the platform and flying towards the Hebra Mountains.


Annnd we're here today welcoming back the drama! >:3

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