Chapter 39: Ready to go

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"Zelda, I want you to make sure you have everything before we leave." Rhoam told her as he packed his own bag up. The princess nodded and started packing the rest of her stuff, and sitting off to the side was Janelle, who already finished packing. Urbosa was on her way to the village to take them back.

"I appreciate you guys for visiting for this long," You told Rhoam, sitting on your bed writing a letter out to your friend, Reese. "It's been nice getting to spend time with you three again."

"I'm glad we found the time." He returned the smile you had given him, pulling his coat over his shoulders. "I hope we can do this again soon. Zelda, especially, seems to love getting to be with her family." He looked over at his daughter, watching her giggle as Janelle helped her to adjust her crown circlet. "She's been missing everyone." You both watched as they struggled together, appearing to enjoy every single second of it.

"Rhoam, can I have a word with you?"


"I want us to get on the same page about this whole Calamity and return of Ganon thing happening. If we're going to put together a team, we need to be able to work together first." You huffed as you walked out to the balcony with him not too far behind.

"I understand that, and with you and I beginning to mend our relationship that was affected from everything that happened a few years ago, I'm sure we won't have a problem establishing that goal." He stood next you, arms folded behind his back while you leaned over you railing, cupping your palm as you looked out across the Hebra and distant Hyrule.

"I don't want Zelda to feel too pressured about her duty. We have likely years until the Calamity returns, and I just feel that we shouldn't be so hard on her. She's doing the best she can." You remembered how she was treating herself not only during your first conversation with her, but also at the fountain.

"I don't wish for her to carry such a burden, but she needs to work hard or we'll lose our world to this monstrous being we've been holding off for millennia." He said right back, looking away from the scenery to direct his vision back to you. "It's her sworn duty to awaken her powers, and she and the sworn hero will work together to rescue our land from Ganon and Demise!"

"The more pressure you put on her to accomplish her goal, the likeliness of it happening only decreases." You explained this as you let your eyes close for a few minutes before turning around to face him straight. "She needs time. Time that we are currently lucky enough to be able to provide to her."

"I only want what's best for her. What's best for Hyrule."

"What's best for her is to give her a chance to work without being scolded every day of her life about it. And while the best thing for Hyrule is to have our heroes in line, we can't do that when the one who is destined to rescue us is being put under too much pressure. You need to be easy with her. Be kind. She needs positive support, not undying lectures."

"I don't make the rules, _____." He sighed, and your eyes went wide as you heard those words again.

"She's at a loss, Rhoam. Her mother - the one that was supposed to guide and teach her - left her, left us, so soon before she was to begin with her training." You looked back at the castle, large flags blowing in the wind as the kingdom sat in it's glory. The glory that you were hoping would live on even after the attack. "She may have seemed fine in the beginning, but I have belief that since that day, something hasn't been right with her."

"So what you're saying is-"

"I'm not saying there's anything wrong with her. I'm saying that she could be held back by this loss. By heartache. Knowing what could have been instead of seeing what is. Her view is clouded by the 'What if's', Rhoam." You shook your head as you started to see that you, too, were worried about all of the 'what if's'. Everything that could have happened had Amirah not gone. Had she not been captured. Had you been fast enough to save her. "I'm starting to worry that the rest of us are sharing that problem with her."

"_____, I am very much worried about what we are now. I'm trying to encourage that for Zelda too." He began slowly pacing the small floor while you slumped against the wood on the fence again, and this only rose the slight tension.

"Well someone needs to be on the same page as her. If it's not going to be you, then it'll have to be me. As her aunt, and the closest person to her mother, I'm the closest she's going to have to a teacher! I'm going to stand by her side and help her, even if it means standing in your way." You said this, and Rhoam stopped and took a deep breath in, holding it for a while. "Rhoam, you're my brother-in-law, and for so many years now you've played nearly the role of a brother to me. I care about you, and while I understand where you're coming from in our time of need, we have to guide Zelda, not push her and hope she gets somewhere."

"I will allow you to assist Zelda with her training in whatever way you believes she needs you to, but I still must play my part as not only her father, but the King of Hyrule." You were hesitant, but with realizing he wouldn't let down any easier than you, you gave in and agreed.

"I'll do what I can."


One *clap* more *clap* chap *clap* ter *clap* to *clap* go *clap clap clap clap clap* *aggressive clapping intensifies*

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