Chapter 26: Hatchling

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"Is she doing alright?" Revali asked, peering into your room. You were laid flat across the bed, having been asleep for the past few hours. Sandy allowed him to go in, and he sat down in the chair next to your bed. "_____," He whispered, gently stroking your cheek. "My love."

"Revali," Jetta walked in, and he quickly turned his attention over to her. "Come with me for a minute." He left you alone to rest for a bit, and followed Jetta into the next room over. "Here she is." She placed a small bundle of blankets into Revali's wings, and he looked down at it with wide eyes.

"This is my daughter?" He asked, and Jetta and Sandy both nodded before Sandy went off to check on you again. "I thought you said it would take a few extra days for her to really hatch."

"_____ was nearly a week late for what her rito date would have been. Her hylian date was almost a month up the road, so she didn't need anymore time." Jetta was looking over some papers, and Revali continued to gently rock his child. "I'll let you have a moment."

"Thank you." Looking down at her, he started to take note of how all her features collided. She had a completely hylian looking face, aside from the red markings she had near her eyes. She had wings like a rito, but the rest of her body and feet were hylian looking.

Her eyes were green, and she had light wisps of blue hair. Her wings were blue as well, and really everything else came from you. She curled up, making soft sounds that made Revali wonder if she needed something.

"Revali, _____ is waking up." Revali nearly flew back to your room, and he sat down next to you, looking over you as Sandy left the three of you to have a minute. "Don't overwhelm her. She's still exhausted."

"_____, darling," He placed his wing on your cheek before taking a breath, and you opened your eyes and looked over him. "Hey, how are you feeling?" You reached up to hold his wing, and he wrapped it around your hand.

"Tired." You yawned, and he smiled softly and gently squeezed your hand. "Is that...?" You asked, looking intently at your daughter. "Oh my goddess." You covered your mouth as he handed her to you, and you held her close to your chest.

"She's healthy," He said quietly, and you shot him a glance as if in question about it being a girl. "Look at that precious little face." She opened her eyes, stretching her wings out with a tiny yawn. You and Revali melted.

"Do we have any name ideas?" You asked, petting her head as gently as you could. Revali wrapped his wing around you and pecked your cheek before burying his beak into your hair.

"I heard you thinking of some a few months ago. Did you find any that you think fit her?" He asked, letting her wrap her wings around his larger one. You looked at her carefully as she hugged her father's wing, and as her emerald eyes met once again with your own, it hit you.

"Amalia." You whispered, and Revali smiled and chuckled, watching as she started tasting his feathers. "I think we should name her Amalia."

"Pretty name for such a cute little rito," He breathed, resting his beak on your shoulder. "I like that." You giggled as he nipped at your ear, and you kissed his beak with a large grin forming on your lips right after. "We're parents now."

"It's kind of weird to think about." You laughed quietly. "It feels like just yesterday that you fell from the sky into the snow of the flight range to meet me." You laughed again as he smiled.

"I would have stayed in the sky had you not aimed that way." He chuckled as you reached up to hold his wing. "You got lucky, princess." He leaned his head on your chest, letting a happy sigh escape his beak as Amalia slowly fell back asleep. "I suppose I did too."

"Revali," Eagle walked into the room, stealing both of your attention away from Amalia. "Oh, I didn't know..." He froze, and Revali stood up from his spot. "Hey, congratulations!"

"Thank you, Eagle!" Revali smiled proudly at his newborn daughter, and her eyes opened as she looked over at Eagle. "This is Amalia. Amalia, this is Eagle."

"Hi Amalia." Eagle smiled, and Amalia looked back up at you. You laughed as Revali placed his wing on your head. "I hate to ask this, but are you able to go to the competition? It's really okay if you can't."

"I-" You looked up at him, and he sighed and slid his wing down to your back. "I don't want to leave _____ here. What if Amalia starts crying and what if she gets overwhelmed, and what if-"

"Go." You told him, and he shook his head, thinking you were testing him. "Revali, it's only for a bit. We'll watch you from here."

"_____, no. You should be resting. You've had a long night." He sat back down, and Eagle nodded in agreement with him. "I'll take care of Amalia while you sleep."

"Revali, love, it's really fine. It'll give me some time to spend with her, and then when you get home, it'll be your turn." You kissed his cheek and he looked away, wondering if you really were telling the truth. "Please. I want you to go. I promise I'll be fine."

Revali and Eagle looked at each other, their eyes asking many silent questions before they finally looked back at you.


"Alright!" Bizz called out loudly, reading from his script. Bixx was sat behind him spectating. "Are you ready?"

Orville, Parro and Eagle all took their spots on the front row, Bizz smiling with content. The rest of the competitors readied themselves as well, and Bizz began the countdown.

"Three!..." Everyone leaned down. "Two!..." Wings out. "One!..." Eyes locked on to the first ring. "GO!!!!"

All of the ritos flew off the landing, and while Parro was ahead for a matter of seconds, Orville came up next. Eagle flew next to Orville for a bit, but then just before hitting the first booster ring, Revali swooped in from being the furthest behind to hit the ring first.

Eagle grinned and chased Revali, leaving most everyone to simply tail their lead from afar.

"You still hold your speed after all this time." Eagle chuckled as he flew in near next to Revali. "I just hope you can keep your endurance!" He took the lead from the blue rito, and he smiled back and flew faster.

As they were coming around through the rings, Revali took a quick glance to his left. You were waving out the back window of your room, seated on your bed with Amalia in your other arm. He couldn't help but let a soft smile form on his beak, and seeing you only boosted his energy and will to finish.

In the distance, the golden arrow was visible. Eagle and Revali were neck in neck, and everyone else was fairly far behind. Eagle was slightly ahead, but he looked back at Revali, slowing himself down a bit.

"Go get it." He called, having to speak loud with the noise of the wind blowing by them. "You want this more."

"Eagle, you've done so much to deserve this. You were the original choice by Amirah, not me." Revali slowed down as well, and Eagle smiled a bit.

"Because she didn't know you yet. That wouldn't have been my first meeting with her." As they were nearing the golden arrow, Eagle took a breath and flapped one last time. "I better see you at the ceremony when the spots are officiated. You'll do great, Revali. I believe in you." Eagle nodded to Revali before letting himself fly back and away from him, and all Revali could do was go forward.

He grabbed the arrow, and took a deep breath before shooting it towards the target. Bullseye. It allowed him to go through the ring, and he zoomed all the way to the trophy on the cloud.

Everyone cheered, and you were still watching from your room, clapping with a big smile on your face. While you were happy that he accomplished yet another goal of his, you were still unaware of where this was getting him.

Still unaware of how far he would go to get himself in the champion group.


Hey hey hey! Guess what today is?! Royal Rebel is a year old today!

Sorry to make you wait so long for le update but it had to be perfect >:3

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