Chapter 31: Together Again

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"I've missed you so much!" Zelda ran right into your arms, something you partially weren't expecting. "It's been so long!" You wrapped your arms around her and held her tight. "Come in! Father will be so excited to see you!" So Rhoam did know. "Father! Father!"

"What is it Zelda, I told you I'm-" He froze in his tracks once her saw you, and you stopped, nearly getting pulled over by your niece. "_____?" Zelda was beaming, not even letting down at you and her father's confusion. "I didn't know you were coming."

"Zelda invited me." You looked over the king, starting to feel a wave of memory wash over you. "Is it alright that I'm here?" Rhoam let a small smile settle on his lips, and he nodded slowly. You smiled back as Zelda walked to stand by your side.

"Isn't this great? Now we just need Urbosa and Janelle and we'll have everybody!" Zelda happily ran off to find them, and while Rhoam made a very small attempt to stop her, he let her go. All you could do was stare at each other.

"So," You finally managed to say, having not moved even an inch. "Can we forget everything that happened? Step forward?" Rhoam took a few breaths before nodding and looking down at his feet. "I want to be better for Zelda. For the kingdom. They look to you. To us."

"And we'll make them proud." He said, raising his head. You gave a quick, firm nod before walking down the stairs and over to him. He stayed in his spot, and watched as you held your arm out. Opening your palm revealed a small triangle.

"Keep this in Amirah's box. It's upstairs in her top drawer. Look on the right." You set it into his hand before giving him one last glance as you started walking down the hall. He held the bracelet tightly and was quick to follow you.

"Urbosa!" Zelda dragged her out into the hall, and you stopped in your tracks to turn and look at them. "_____'s here!"

"Someone finally decided to visit the castle." She smiled as she set her hand on Zelda's shoulder, placing her other on her hip. "What made you come?"

"Zelda sent me a letter." You told her, smiling at the young teen. Goddess, Zelda's age now was nearly that of yours when she was born. "I decided it's been long enough."

"JANELLE! AUNT JANELLE!" Zelda called, and out rushed the light brunette woman. "Look who's here!"

"_____?" She carefully looked over you, her hand moving to her chest within seconds of her halting by Zelda's side. "Darling, it's been forever since you've been here."

"I know." You held your hands together behind her back, and watched as she smiled softly. "How have things been here at the castle?"

"They've been amazing! We're all back together again!" Zelda cheered, and Urbosa set a hand on her head and chuckled. "Come on! We can go out to the field!" She began running, and the four of you happily followed her.

"So _____," Rhoam started. "How are things going with Revali and Amalia?" He asked, and your eyes went slightly wide with a smile. He had never asked a question like that before.

"I'd say pretty great." You answered, smiling more at the thought of them back home. "Amalia's one and a half now, and as for Revali and I... you could say life's normal for us now."

"That is good." He nodded, looking from you over to Zelda, who was ahead of the group by a solid distance. "Zelda's been spending much of her time training to unlock her sealing powers."

"How's that going for her?" You asked, and he merely shook his head with a sad sigh. You looked down at your feet, still keeping an eye for your walking.

"I'm worried." He confessed this, and you nodded, understanding this fear. "I worry that with Ganon's return getting closer, we're in danger. If Zelda is unable to learn her power by then, it will be too late. Even with the rest of our combined strength."

"Don't put too much pressure on her, Rhoam." You sighed, looking forward at your niece. She looked far away enough to the point she couldn't hear much of the conversation. "It's only going to get harder for her if you persist on telling her how urgent it is."

"I understand that, _____, but if she fails to achieve this goal, our world will become no more in the hands of Hylia." He huffed as he walked, and you looked down at your left hand - the one that you would use to summon the scroll's power.

"Don't you carry Amirah's power?" Janelle asked, walking a bit closer to Urbosa now as they were behind you and Rhoam.

"Yes, but, it is far from powerful enough in it's current state to seal away the Calamity." You sighed and placed your right hand inside of your left. "I won't ever be able to enhance her power. I hardly know how to activate it at will."

"Even though you have limited control over it," Urbosa started as she got up closer to you. "You may be able to assist Zelda in her training."

"Right." You gave her a firm nod. "I'll do anything I can in my power to support her."

"Guys!" Zelda called as everyone got outside. "Come on! I want to show everyone something!" She continued to run, and you and Urbosa laughed and started running after her. Rhoam and Janelle exchanged glances and only speeded their walking a bit. "It's a frog pond!"

Frogs of all sizes and colors were hoping around the little hidden pond, and Zelda beamed and went over to sit near the water. You sat near her, and the others all found spots to hang out.

It was going to be a good day so far.


:D How's everyone's weekend/break been?

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