Chapter 33: A... Visitor

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“How about this one?” Revali held another spoon up to his daughter’s mouth, and Amalia happily licked the applesauce off of it. “Okay, so applesauce is a yes!” He set it down and picked up some of similar consistency, just pear flavored. “What about this flavor?” Again, the little rito was happy to eat the food.

“Excuse me, is-“ Revali stopped and looked behind him, a bit taken back with the sight he was met with.


“What is it with you and having to see this _____?” Nolan’s mother asked as she set his hat on his head after spending nearly ten minutes just fluffing the feather on the top out. “I don’t see what you see in her.”

“She’s the princess. We were supposed to get married and take the throne, remember?” His mother nodded and continued to help her son to look presentable. “I need to see her. I know where she is, and I know exactly what I’m going to say when I get there.”

“Fine. But be safe. CARL!” She called out, quickly receiving the attention of her other son. “I don’t want you and Missy going too far, you hear me?!” The man nodded and led his wife out the door, Beatrice having to run to the door to get the dog.

“Beatrice, let the boy do what he wants! He’s a grown man!” Nolan’s father yelled from up the stairs, and Nolan sighed as he cuffed his jacket sleeves and fixed his hair a bit more.

“He’s still livin’ under my roof and my rules! I’m just worried about my boys!”

“I’m fine, mother.” Nolan gave her a quick hug before rushing out the door. “Don’t wait up!” And with that, he was out.

He grabbed his horse and began riding out into Hyrule’s center, hoping he’d be able to figure out what to say to you in his head. He knew the base of the conversation he was wishing to have with you, but he wanted to word it out perfectly. All he had to do was think carefully about how you would respond to each of his questions.


“Nolan, watch this!” You ran out into the field and managed a quick front flip – not flawless but fairly good for someone so young. “Wasn’t that cool? I saw Amirah do it when she was fighting last week with Urbosa!” You smiled as he attempted to do it, but he stumbled over instead.

“Why are you laughing?” He asked, standing up. “This isn’t funny!”

“It kind of is. Only a little bit, Nolie.” You giggled as he brushed his shirt off and then you helped him up, and you then ran out again to do it, but you tripped over a rock. “Ahh!” Nolan caught you, and as he stood up, he was trying to hide his slightly red face. “Hey, thanks Nolan!”

“Yeah,” He noticed you didn’t think anything of the situation, just running off to get a good start to your next flip. “Hey wait!”


“Would you happen to know the room of the princess?” The guard he was speaking to tilted his head, and he rephrased his sentence to make it make sense. “_____.” He was handed a card, and he thanked the guard who gave it to him and continued up the stairs.

He hesitantly walked up, your room being in sight now, and he slowed down as he hit those last few steps. He got to the top and walked into the room.

“Excuse me, is-“ He stopped once he noticed Revali sitting on the bed with Amalia, and the blue rito sat up and stared down the ‘hero’. “Revali.”

“What are you doing here?” In a protective instinct, Revali scooped Amalia into his wings and sat up, the little rito only giggling as she hugged her dad. “I thought you were in Hateno.”

“I was in Hateno. I came to see _____.” He stood in the doorway, having more of a glaring contest with the warrior now. “Where is she?”

“It’s absolutely none of your business where she is. I don’t really feel comfortable disclosing that information.” He sat crisscrossed on his bed, Amalia still held in his wings and sat on his lap. “You act as if I don’t belong here. Actually, this was my room before _____ came along-“

“If you don’t tell me where she is,” Nolan sat down on the chair nearest to the door. “Then you’re stuck with me until she either returns or you spit it out.”

“I don’t have to deal with this, you know.” Revali pulled down the covers and set Amalia down under them before tucking her in for her nap.

“That’s too bad, bird.” Revali shot him one last glare before sighing as he knew what he needed to do.

A loud yell could be heard as Nolan fell from the balcony before splashing into the pond near the entrance bridge of the village, right under the room.


I think Revali should wield the Master Sword, who's with me?

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