Chapter 40: His Hylian

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"Goodnight, Amalia. We'll see you in the morning." You set Amalia into her hammock, careful as to not wake her up as you did this, and Revali wrapped his wings around your waist and pulled you back into him, the tip of his cold beak poking into your shoulder.

"Stay asleep for at least a little bit, Lia. I wanna spend some time with mommy too~" He smiled as he hugged you, your face going completely red. "I have a special night planned for us, _____. And first, I have a small favor to ask you."

"And what might this small favor be, Revali?" You asked, turning your head back a bit so you could see him better.

"I want you to go get dressed up in your favorite dress, and then head over to the landing, alright?" He whispered, and you nodded, giggling as he pecked your neck and hurried off.

You went to find your petal dress, one you never got to wear much but absolutely loved. You pulled it on, admiring it's color, one of your favorites. Something about it struck you.

You hurried off to the landing, expecting to find Revali there, but all that was there was a note. You picked it up and read over the handwriting. It was in cursive.

I have one more favor for you darling...

... go up to the top of the village ;)

You smiled and folded it, slipping it into your pocket as you looked up to the very top of the village. You held your left hand out, waiting to feel a flow of power before pushing yourself up with a strong wind to the top of the village rock.

You flew slightly above, and landed somewhat gracefully, hearing a laugh from your husband.

"My rito~" You hummed, patting down your dress. "You're lucky I could make it. I barely just got out of the scroll's range." You walked over to him, and he turned around to look at you. "Is this suitable for you?"

"You're absolutely beautiful." He held his wing out, and you took it happily. He turned himself around and pulled himself to one knee, looking up at you with one hand in both wings. "After all these years of knowing you, loving you, being married to you; I still can't get over the fact that you're mine. Everytime I look at you, even now, my heart beats ten times faster."

"Sometimes I still wonder how I fell into your wings. The story flashes through my head every now and then, but some of it isn't ever going to make sense." You leaned over to kiss his beak, placing your other hand on his cheek before settling it with the other in his wings. "But that's okay."

"I sit and wonder. Endlessly, anything else we can do. Anymore milestones we can hit. I've confessed to you, proposed to you, married you, and you've given us a child. I'm waiting for the right opportunity to come along. Another major way to show just how much I love you."

"Have another one?" You were partially joking, but you saw how fast his eyes lit up. "Maybe- we'll have to talk about it. I'd like for Amalia to get a little older - at least past the toddler stage before we even consider another baby."

"And I agree with you." He placed his wings on your hips and while he only let them rest there a second, he then pulled you into his lap. "You're everything I could ever ask for."

"Revali!" You giggled as he snuggled you right there, nipping at a bunch of random spots all over your top half.

"I wish we could just stay up here forever." He pecked your cheek, and you managed to move yourself around just enough to kiss him. "Forever... and ever... with you..." He groaned quietly, placing his wings on your back and gently rubbing up and down.

"Maybe one day. I wanna watch our little one grow up first." You stroked the feathers on his head, latching the rest of yourself to him as he held you close to his chest. "You and I will get to spend our forever somewhere."

"That somewhere will be right here. I'll make it happen." His words were somewhat muffled with his beak completely buried into your hair, but you could hear him clearly since his beak was near your ear. Anyone else likely wouldn't be able you. "I love you."

"I love you too. And maybe more." You teased, pressing gentle kisses to his head. "You sound pretty tired, Revali. Maybe it's time we went to bed." No answer. You assumed he had fallen asleep already. But a quiet answer moments later told you a different story.

"My hylian."


~The End~

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