Chapter 34: Special Guest

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“Princess _____, there is a visitor at the door who claims to be in need of a royal. I can tell him to wait.” Captain Barry told you as you hopped down the stairs.

“No need! I’ll go see who it is!” You skipped happily towards the castle doors. Goddess, your first visitor you had to answer to in years! How exciting! “Hello, ma'am, how can I help you?” You looked up at the tall Gerudo woman. She had a hat on and plenty of fancy jewels. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought her the chief.

“I’m here to speak with Urbosa.” She explained as you allowed her inside.

“Urbosa? She's just upstairs." You turned to her as you both stopped in the middle of the hallway, and she did too. "Is it important? She was here for a meeting, and I'm not sure if she's still in it or not."

“Oh, no, Princess, it's not too important. I only wish to speak with her about the queen." You were confused for a few moments, but decided to just take her upstairs to find Urbosa.

“Urbosa,” You opened her door once she told you to come in, and the lady walked up just behind you. “You have a visitor.” You moved so she could walk in, and Urbosa looked slightly confused until she saw her completely. Then her eyes went wide and she sat up to get a better view of her.

“Sairvara?" She breathed, tilting her head slightly. "What are you doing here? I thought you were busy out in the South all month."

"I was, but then I found something I wanted you to see." Sairvara held up a little heart shaped locket, and Urbosa studied it for a moment before gasping. Sairvara chuckled. "So it is what I thought. _____, do you know what this is?"  She handed it to you, and you held it gently and looked over the design on the front.

"_____!" Urbosa snapped, but by then you had already opened it. Revealing a picture with her and your sister. Except in this picture, Urbosa was the one holding the Sheikah Slate up while your sister had her lips pressed to the Gerudo woman's cheek.

"Urbosa, what is-"

"Sairvara, why did you come here with this?" Urbosa hissed as she quickly stole the locket from your hands. "I don't understand why you feel the need to meddle in my past affairs."

"I'm not meddling, sister, I've simply come out of curiosity." Sairvara said, and Urbosa scoffed and walked away. "_____, could you give me a bit of time to discuss this with my sister?"

"Yeah," You managed, catching a glance of Urbosa's red face as she walked back to her desk. "I'll be with Rhoam if you need me." You closed the door and left, going to find your brother in law and niece.

“Rhoam!” You wandered over to him and Zelda, as they were enjoying some afternoon tea to take a break from her training. “Sorry I’m late.” You sat down, quickly being served with your favorite blend. You found it sweet that they remembered. “I had to take someone up to Urbosa.”

“Who?” Rhoam sipped at his, watching as Zelda quickly downed the last of hers.

“A woman named Sairvara, I think she's her sister. She came to talk to her about... about...” You were lost in a swarm of your thoughts as you tested the temperature of your tea, and upon finding that it was fine, you started drinking it. “Regardless of that, what’s on the agenda for today?”

“Well,” Rhoam set his cup down and leaned back a bit – not too much as to seem improper, but enough to be somewhat comfortable. “Zelda has a day off today, so you two can do as you please. On the other hand, I have to head over to the Akkala to have a quick word with Robbie and Purah. All I request is that you two don’t leave the castle. You only if it’s important.”

“We’ll keep ourselves busy here, Rhoam. I’m sure Revali and the baby are just fine.” You put your hands behind your head and leaned back, and Zelda smiled softly at how relaxed you were in the most important and most formal place in the entire kingdom. “So Zelda, what should we do today?”

“Can I show her the guardians?” Zelda asked, and Rhoam nodded, causing her to beam with happiness again. “They’re so cool! You’ll love them!”

“I’m sure I will.” You chuckled, finishing up the beverage.


“These are the guardians that the sheikah are training.” Zelda brought you to the wall, and you both leaned over it to watch the sheikah that were trying to teach the mechanical beasts. “They’re going to help us, much like the Divine Beasts are.”

“Fascinating.” Upon seeing them, you remembered the day you went to see King Dorephan and Princess Mipha when Amirah and Rhoam instructed you to go find potential champions. The incident in which a guardian attacked and threatened the Zora, but then Mipha and her father came out to rescue everyone. It was no wonder that Mipha became the first of the champions to be nearly 100% official.

“I’ve been trying to get some research done, but with all of my training, I haven’t had much time.” A guardian came close to the pair of you, and instinctively, you grabbed the hilt of your sword. She reached her hand out, unable to touch it because of the gap, but it looked up at her. “Hello there.”

“Be careful.” You held your eye on it, not sure if maybe it was planning on attacking, but your niece assured you it was fine.

“She really is alright, _____.” You turned around to see Urbosa walking out in her usual calm fashion, and Zelda invited her to stand with you. “The guardians aren’t as bad as you might think.”

“Urbosa, what was Sairvara coming to talk to you about?” You asked, releasing your sword as you watched the guardian walk back to it’s trainers. “And what was that picture supposed to be?”

“I... I think this conversation is better left for later,” She breathed, setting her hands on yours and Zelda’s shoulders. “I don't want you to worry too much about it. But I do have some matters to handle back at the town, so I have to get going soon anyways.” You nodded as she stood between you, and the three of you watched the training progress a little longer.


“Finally, a letter~” You grabbed the letter on your desk, assuming it was from Revali. It didn’t have his red feather – his little thing he attaches when something is urgent or wrong. “Let’s see…” Turns out, this letter wasn’t from Revali. It was from Urbosa.

Dear _____,

I apologize for not being open with you today. These matters are... best discussed away from the castle. I'm sure you have lots of questions, all of which I will answer in time. Once you are able to come back to the town, I will tell you everything. I promise.

                                           - Urbosa



SO- for anyone who has read this chapter before the edit, you'll know it was originally not about Urbosa and Amirah

I have decided to remove the concept of Rihnfyn (And Sarhsad). I feel that Urbosa makes a little more sense for giving Amirah a past relationship before Rhoam

Also - this book will be done exactly one Xmas eve, if I'm wrong, you guys can sue me for all my hotsauce

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