Chapter 4: Flight Range

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You scooped up your arrows and slid them into your quiver before pulling the sash over your head and letting it fall down to your waist. Revali came over to you to make sure your bow was tight on your back, and you helped him with his while he packed the rest of his stuff up.

“_____, catch!” You heard Orville call from below the balcony, and you ran over to catch the pack of feathered arrows that was thrown to you from below. You brought it over to Revali, to which he smiled and put them in his bag.

“You know what today is right?” He asked, and you tilted your head a bit and thought. “Happy fourth anniversary.” He nuzzled his beak into your neck and you blushed and giggled. “Four years ago today, I gave you that crown and told you I loved you. Indirectly for the most part, but my point still stands.”

“Okay, are we all ready to go?” Eagle called out from a couple rooms down, and Parro and Orville both called back. “Revali! _____!” He walked up to your room to find you both finishing your packing and being too busy flirting to hear him. “Come on you lovebirds, we gotta get going!” You grabbed your bag, and the five of you left forheaded down to the platform solanding together, only to stop there. “Abby! Abigail!” Eagle called a few times, and you raised your eyebrow in confusion for a moment before you saw a hylian girl make her way down the stairs, with long golden hair with a tint of ginger flowing behind her, and light blue eyes that matched the sky.

“Yes Eagle?” She got to the bottom step and was quick to lock eyes with you – probably just as confused to see you as you her. “Oh! Who’s this?”

“I’m _____.” You reached your hand out, and Abby shook it happily. “I’m Revali’s-“

“Girlfriend of four years today!” He chirped, and Abbigail laughed. “_____, this is Eagle’s girlfriend, Abby.”

“It’s nice to meet you Abby!” She smiled and nodded, and Eagle reached over for her hand, smiling with her. “Are you training with us?”

“I really do want to, but I haven’t been feeling the best lately. The next time you all make a trip, I’ll likely be going.” She told you, and you nodded and looked up at your own rito. “Well, you have fun Eagle.”

“I’ll see you in a little bit.” She kissed Eagle’s head before hopping back up the stairs to his room. “Now, we best be off now! No time to waste!” Eagle and Orville both flew off, and you, Revali and Parro weren’t far behind their lead.

“So, Eagle,” You started as everyone settled their stuff down once you arrived. “How long have you and Abby been together?” You handed some of your arrows to Revali, and he put some of the feathered ones in your quiver at the same time.

“About six years now,” He said, aiming his first arrow, only to shoot it and watch Revali’s first hit a target not even a second before his. “Engaged for two.”

“How come I’ve never met her? I’ve lived here almost a year and a half.” You asked, and he shot another arrow, this one having a light blue feather and landing it on the same target as Revali’s.

“She isn’t around very much.” He shrugged as he took a sip of his water. “She’s always back and forth from the Hyrule Castle Town and Hateno Village, visiting her family and all that. That’s why we haven’t gotten the chance to get married yet after two years.”

“I wish you guys luck, then. And if you need any help with anything, we all got your back.” Eagle smiled to this and launched another arrow.

“Thanks, _____.” Orville leaped off the platform alongside Parro, and Revali chased them both into the sky, all three shooting arrows everywhere yet somehow managing to not hit each other by mistake. “This may seem personal, and you don’t have to answer if it is,” He started again, setting his bow down. “But do you plan on returning to Hyrule Castle? And what’s gonna happen if you do?”

“After what Rhoam did a few months ago, I doubt I’ll be going back anytime soon. Even if he didn’t fake an assassination, going back would probably cost me everything I built up for myself here. I can’t risk losing Revali.” You let our a sigh, and he nodded and sat down next to you. “Besides, I’d much rather get to spend every day with you guys rather than trying to lead the whole kingdom by myself.” You laughed a bit, and he let out a small chuckle before hearing both of your names getting called.

“Eagle! _____! Get up here and practice with us! It’s fun!” Orville called, and you and Eagle ran over to join them, and you flew up with your paraglider to join them, shooting as many times as you could before having to return to the landing, and then after a few second rest you went back up.

This continued for a good while, and along with shooting regularly, the feathered arrows were to represent the annual Rito Festival, which was that night. Which left no wonder as to why Revali had confessed to you that day. It was his favorite holiday in all of Hyrule. And ever since, you spent every single one with him.

“_____!” He called out as he flew by you, and you started spinning with the wind as he flew in fast circles around you. In the middle of one of his circles, he caught you off guard by diving towards you and catching you, spinning as the both of you began falling; laughing while you held each other tightly. “You know, you look really pretty with you hair all in your face like that,” You could tell he was smirking even with you latched on to him, and he laughed a bit. “_____-“ You hit the water with a large splash, and you were quick to bring yourself to the surface, looking around for Revali.

“Revali?” You panted, trying to swim yourself to the rock while keeping an eye out for the blue bird.

“_____!!!! HELP!” He was splashing about in the water, and you dived under water and wrapped yourself around him, not being able to hear his next yells. “THERE’S A SEA MONSTER I NEED HELP!” You brought yourself back to the surface and shook your hair out, and Revali seemed to calm down a bit with you right there. “Oh.”

“C’mere, you.” You led him to the rocks, kissing the top of his beak as you did this, and he got all red with having thought you were a sea monster.

“Yeah, okay Revali.” Eagle flew down to where the two of you were at and so did the others. “Sea monster, I see.” You tilted your head in confusion and Eagle laughed.

“I was panicking. You must understand that as a rito, I hate water.” You and the other boys laughed, and you started to try and dry Revali off while he sat pouting about another ‘near death experience’.

“You’re dry, Ace Archer of Rito Village.” You told him, and he glared at you a bit but his look softened when you patted his head. “What? You know I’ll never let that go.” You giggled as he blushed and then you all sat down to enjoy a nice lunch before heading back in time for the festival.


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