Chapter 8: The Wedding!

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A few years later...

It was a bright, beautiful early morning. Some of the rito females were helping you get ready, as today was the big day. By the end of the day, you'd be able to call Revali your husband.

"Gods, does that title not look good on me." Revali scoffed as Eagle handed him a chartreuse feather to put in his pocket. "The title of 'wife' fits her beautifully, but her husband Revali? I can't say it's possibly worse than 'arrangement ruiner', but I'm not exactly a fan."

"Arrangement ruiner? Who in Hyrule gave you that one?" Eagle asked him, and he shrugged and brushed off his rito-style tux.

"Some guy back at Hyrule Castle. I don't remember exactly, but I think his name was 'Nolan'." He snickered, and he could hear your giggle behind him and almost turned around but didn't.

"Well, I think the title of husband fits you very well." Even with him turning around at all, not even his head, you could tell he was blushing. "I'll see you in a little while, my husband." You teased as you walked down the stairs with Gwen, and Eagle had to make Revali look the other way so he wouldn't see you even a little bit.

"I'm incredibly proud to be able to call myself her husband soon, but- I don't know. I'm still getting used it all. Goddess, I never fully accustomed to being her fiancé, how am I supposed to get used to this now?" Revali brushed his feather back, looking in the mirror as he wanted to be sure he looked perfect.

"Are you sure I look okay?" You asked, and the rito ladies nodded with a smile and they finished the final touches on your makeup. You made it a bit more colorful than you originally planned it to match the colorful theme of the wedding.

You looked down at your courage necklace, the one your Aunt Janelle gave you on Zelda's birthday. You wished Amirah, Rhoam and Zelda would be there like you always imagined, as well as Urbosa and Janelle, but you tried not to think too much about it.

Once you arrived into the room next to the one set up for the ceremony, you heard a very familiar and missed voice in that room.

"I heard there was a special wedding today, and I thought it unethical of me to not show up." You walked into the ceremony room, and saw the tall Gerudo Chief standing there talking to Gwen.

"Urbosa! You made it!" You rushed over to her, and she hugged you tightly. "I thought you wouldn't be able to."

"How could I miss your wedding _____?" She patted your head, careful of your freshly done hair. "Revali told me and the others."

"The others...?" You raised an eyebrow, but then saw what she meant within a few seconds.

"_____!" Daruk walked in with a cheerful grin, and he pulled you into a large embrace. "Congrats to you and Revali!"

"Yes! Congrats!" Mipha skipped in behind him, and you hugged her as well. "We're glad Revali told us! We wouldn't have wanted to miss the wedding of our future teammates." You smiled more to this, and continued to talk with the three warriors until the final other person walked into the room.

"I hope I'm not late?" Janelle stepped in, looking curiously around at all the decorations.

"Aunt Janelle!" You dashed over to her, and she laughed and was fast to take you into her arms. "Thank you for coming."

"I'm happy to see you happy finally, dear. I only got a few months with you and your sister before everything happened." She held you gently and stroked your hair, and you were almost in tears of happiness from seeing everybody.

"Alright, alright, everybody places!" Everyone took their seats, and Daruk went up to stand up with Eagle, Orville and Parro next to Revali's spot, and you and the other three went to the separate room just in time for Revali to show up.

First, Urbosa, Mipha, Abby and Gwen walked up to stand in their spots, and after they walked through the aisle, it was your turn. With Janelle right beside you holding your hand.

You walked down the aisle, almost immediately noticing Revali's gasp as his eyes lit up once you came out of the darkness. He smiled proudly as you got closer, and once you got to the end, Janelle sat down in the front row, and you went up to stand with your groom.

"You look absolutely stunning." Revali whispered to you, holding your hands in his wings. You giggled and blushed, and then Kanyen hushed everybody and started speaking.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, and to cherish the words that shall unite _____ and Revali." He began, and Revali only held your hands tighter now. "Marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, and who trust in that love, who honor each other as individuals, and who choose to spend the rest of their lives together."

He turned the page, pausing for a moment before continuing. That paused moment was enough for you to look around and see everyone smiling up at the pair of you. Janelle had a soft smile on her face, and Urbosa and Mipha did as well. Daruk was giving Revali a thumbs up.

"This ceremony will not create a relationship between you two that does not already exist. This is a symbol of how far you both have come these last few years. Of how the promises you both make to each other will help you grow stronger as individuals as well as partners. No matter what challenges you face, you face them now together. No matter how much you succeed, you succeed now together. The love between you joins you now as one." He closed his book and looked between the both of you, smiling as he did. "The bride and groom now have a few words to say."

Revali cleared his throat a bit, looking around nervously at the whole crowd of people watching you both, but then he looked back at the groomsmen, and you looked back at the bridesmaids before locking your eyes back onto your soon to be husband's.

"_____," He started, as the two of you agreed with your eyes to only focus on each other through this part. It would make the whole process go a lot smoother if you both didn't feel all the eyes on you. "From the moment I met you, I knew you were special. I didn't know how, I just knew you were. And I was right! Standing before me is the beautiful, bold, strong, wonderful and powerful woman whom I've wanted to have this moment with for the longest time now. You've been there for me while trying to carry yourself through challenges, you let go of a lot just to stay by my side and I will forever be grateful for all the things you do and have done for me. I love you more than anything, _____, I really do. I believe I was blessed by hylia to have you."

"Revali," You started, your face bright red now and trying to mantain eye contact with the very happy and also red rito before you. "You are absolutely everything to me, and losing you was the last thing I wanted to happen during that time. Even now, I'd hand over any position, any form of power I've held and especially any amount of wealth or fame. I'd do anything so long as you were by my side in the end. You're my rito, afterall. And I love you more by the minute, every minute since the first. I couldn't have asked for anyone better than you."

"And now, the rings." Kanyen looked down at Eagle's son, who came toddling over with the pillow. "Thank you, Kaneli." The young rito nodded with a smile and then ran back over to stand next to Eagle again, who lifted him up into his arms. "Revali, do you take _____ to be your wife, for better and for worse, through blessing and through curse, to hold and to cherish, from this day on until death do you part?"

"I do." Revali said as he slipped your ring on to your finger.

"And _____, do you take Revali to be your husband, for better and for worse, through blessing and through curse, to hold and to cherish, from this day on until death do you part?"

"I do." You nodded as you put Revali's specially designed rito ring onto his foot, and then you both just gazed into each other's eyes, waiting eagerly but also nervously for him to finish so you could be officially married.


Are you guys enjoying the fluffiness? This gets more fun to write every day

I also edited the ring part so now it's on his foot instead cuz it would be hard to wear it on a wing

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