Chapter 30: Call To Reunion

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"Go back to sleep, Ami." You set your daughter back down into her hammock, hoping that having a bath and then lunch would keep her tired for a good while. "I love you."

You walked back to your bed and sat down, opening your Hyrulean book where you left off. It was all sorts of stuff about monsters and the Calamity, and it was giving you more insight on the battle ahead.

Revali had been out all night and morning with Eagle, Orville and Parro since they hadn't spent much time together. Abby had left in the morning to take Kaneli to her family's village, and you stayed at the village with Amalia doing some research.

With Amalia back to sleep, you could finally get some work done yourself.


"Have you ever considered a position on the archery team?" Eagle asked Orville, who was shooting bomb arrows at all the targets he could see. "You'd make a good captain."

"I could always try." He shot another arrow, hitting it just about perfectly. "I'll look into it!"

"So Parro," Revali asked, opening his bag of chips. "How are things going with Bella?"

"Not great." Parro sighed as he cut the string he was using to repair his bow. "We actually... broke up a few weeks ago."

"Oh, Parro, I'm sorry." Revali set his chips down and tilted his head. "How are you doing with it?"

"I can't say it was that bad. We have been on and off too much for it to be shocking." Revali had known that Bella had a mind of her own when it came to relationships, so he did have a sliver of doubt the first time Parro started questioning their relationship.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Revali took a bite of his chips, and Parro shook his head and set his bow down.

"You've been busy with Amalia and _____, and Eagle's in and out all the time. I didn't want to bother. Besides I, uhm, didn't want to tell you this but I suppose I should." Revali shot him a comfused glance and he sighed and continued. "Gwen asked me out. I hope you're okay with me going."

"Oh, yeah that's fine." Revali ate the last few chips in the bag and took a large drink of his water. "When is it?"

"This weekend." Parro had a small blush thinking about it, and Revali laughed and grabbed his bow.


"And... done! That should be it." You closed up your research journal for the day and leaned back in your chair, looking forward to relaxing the rest of the afternoon. "Time to get some rest!"

A little white bird perched itself at the window, with a paper tied to it's foot. You let out a soft groan and reached out for it, and carefully untied the ribbon.

"Hey," You whispered, petting it gently. "You're the same one from before." You untied the ribbon from the paper and unrolled it, worried that this letter wouldn't be good.

Dear Aunt _____,

Hello! I'm sorry if this letter is reaching you at an inconvenient time, but I had to send out. I heard about you living in Rito Village from Urbosa, and I thought about it before writing this. I'm hoping to meet you! It's been so long since I've seen you, and after father mentioned you a bit ago, I decided I needed to see you.

- Love, Zelda

You were surprised. And especially that Rhoam of all people reminded her that she even had an aunt.

You looked behind you at the time, and seeing that it was still fairly early in the day, you thought about heading to the castle by night.

"Hey _____!" Revali strided into the room, and you quickly shushed him and pointed to your still sleeping daughter. "Oh. Sorry." He walked over to you and slipped his wings around you, pecking your neck. He saw the letter and symbol stamped onto it and his eyes went wide. "What's that?"

"Zelda's asking to meet me." You breathed, mind running wild with different scenarios of how it would go.

"Here or at the castle?" He walked over to Amalia's bed, and gently placed his wing on her cheek.

"I'm not sure. I was thinking about going to the castle tonight to meet up with them. But that's only if you're okay with it." You rose from your chair and let the little bird go, rolling up the letter again.

"You can go if you want. Amalia and I will be fine." He sat down on the bed and started setting his things out, and you nodded and decided to start getting ready.


"Are you sure you're ready to go?" Revali asked as you pulled your backpack over your shoulder with a sharp breath out. "And you're positive you don't need me to come?"

"Yes, I'll be just fine." You brushed off your dress and took in another deep breath, and Revali gently rubbed your back. "Let's go, gentlemen." The ritos led you out of the village, and Revali watched from the platform as you left to go meet your niece.

The trip wasn't very long to Hyrule, and every single second of it, you were worried about how everything would really layout. Did Rhoam ask about you? Or was he just mentioning you? Maybe he didn't know you were coming at all.

Urbosa had told her where you lived, so maybe she wanted for you to visit? Sure, you saw Urbosa all the time. You never saw Janelle or Rhoam anymore. Rhoam you hadn't seen since the trial aftermath. Janelle since the wedding.

"We're here, Lady _____." The rito men led you into the castle grounds, and your anxiety slowly started to go away as you embraced the familiarity of the entrance. "Sir Adrian."

Adrian made as face as he gestured for the other guards to open the gate, and they led you further in. You gave Adrian a look right back, and while you could see in his eyes that he wanted to give you another one, he didn't.

You stepped up to the castle itself, and before even reaching the top, you saw the light haired princess standing at the top in the humongous doorway.

As you got closer, you could see the tiny smile she had on her face, hands clasped together against her chest. She stepped closer to you slowly, her eyes widening.

She was a splitting image of her mother, you had to admit. Long golden hair down her shoulders and back, sharp emerald green eyes, and a smile that could light up a room. Her makeup was even similar to the way you remember Amirah always did hers.

"Aunt _____." She breathed quietly, but just loud enough for you to hear her. You got to the top step, just a few more away from her.



Who else is listening to minecraft music and crying? Just me?

Also, family reunions! ^_^

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