Chapter 32: Royal Stuff

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"Zelda," You started, walking by her side as she carefully stepped across the rocks in the large pond near you. "I talked a bit with your father regarding your training. How are you feeling about everything?"

It had been a day since you arrived at the castle, not yet being homesick but at the same time trying to once again get used to being treated as royalty. Even more so than before. Rhoam and Zelda wanted your stay to be enjoyable.

"Oh! Everything's going great! I'm getting a lot closer to it, and, uhm, I can feel it in my blood much like the royal daughters before me." She told you, and you instantly knew she was lying. By a longshot.

"Don't tell me everything's fine when it's not. I'm your aunt, not some third cousin twice removed or someone who you'll never see again. I've played a role in your life. A very large one. And I intend on picking that back up again."

"No, really, I-I don't want to trouble you with the little details that are oh so minor, and I promise everything's fine and-"

"For the love, Zelda, I named you. Now tell me what's leading your struggle." You stepped down closer to the pond she was walking across, just at the shore but not close enough to get your feet to touch the water. "It makes it awfully hard to prepare myself to assist in your training if I don't know where you're at."

"You're going to train me?" A smile appeared on her face. "A-And wait, you named me?" You gave her a firm nod, and she smiled a little more before letting that happiness drift off as she reminded herself of your original question. "My current standing point, it's not... it's not ideal, if that makes any sense."

"You have to start somewhere. I don't want you to start doubting yourself. That will only make it worse." You rested one hand on your waist while the other remained right by your side, hand left in it's natural position.

"But father's been training me for nearly six years now, and I feel no different today than the very moment I started!" Your eyes went wide, not remembering Rhoam having mentioned this. "I can't do this, _____! I'm not going to be able to save Hyrule!"

"Zelda!" You snapped, walking now into the water, ankle deep. You ignored the sudden coldness against your feet as you looked over your now panicking niece. "I will not allow you to say that!" You walked over to her rock and pulled her down into your arms, her not seeming to care much about the chilly water either.

"All I want is to be able to protect our kingdom but I can't. I don't know what I'm supposed to do to get my power to work, and we don't have that much that time and I'll never be able to learn it and-"

"Zelda, stop it." You pulled away from her, just enough to see the distress clouding her green eyes. "The more of this that goes on, the longer you're going to be working. Worry and doubt can slow and even halt your training completely."

"But _____-" You hushed her again as you helped her out of the water, and then pair of you continued walking for a bit in complete silence. It was a long while before she finally spoke again. "So... you're my mother's sister?"

"Yes," You breathed, stopping alongside her. "I am, but you know that already. Why are you asking it like that?" She looked down at her hands that were intertwined with each other, and then thought carefully for a moment before answering.

"What was she like?" She asked, and all of the once forgotten memories of her began flowing through your head, and you smiled at how much came back to you from just a simple question.

"She was incredible," You started, recalling some of your very first memories as a child - most of which involved her. "She had the kindest heart in all of Hyrule, she was the most courageous woman I've ever known, and she would do anything for her family and all her loved ones."

The entire scene from the time Amirah left the castle to finding her to your duel with Sooga and then when you left the castle; the whole thing hit you like a small, quick yet painful slap.

"I don't remember very much about her. I haven't seen any photos or anything for a long time." She looked back at you, expression full of wonder now.

"Really?" She shook her head. "I'll have to show you some when we get back. Come on." You began to lead her back, and she followed happily. "She was an amazing leader to Hyrule, even before she even became queen."

"How long after mother and father were married did it take for me to be born?"

"Not even a year," You chuckled a bit, knowing how fast afterwards she came to you with the news. Must've been three weeks at a maximum. "When you were born, I was just a little older than you are right now."

"Woah, really?" You nodded, and she smiled brighter. "How much older than you is mother? And how much older than me?"

"About six years. She had everything laid out so she was able to get married by age twenty one or two, I believe." You tried to do the numbers in your head, knowing only the age gaps between the three of you. "I was married around twenty four. I had to start from scratch."

"Who's your husband?" She walked a little faster to match your speed, hands now behind her back. "I'm sorry for all of the questions, I just don't get to hear much about our family."

"I'm happy to answer anything I can, Zelda." You gave her a smile, gesturing for her to give you one back. "Besides, this could be good that you learn everything you can about us! We have some very interesting stories." You both laughed before you remembered your question. "And my husband, his name is Revali. He's one of the champion choices."

"That's so cool!" You knew she had met Revali once or twice, or at least you thought. "I heard he was here a while ago but you didn't come with him."

"Oh, yes, last year with the champion meeting." She nodded. "I didn't go with him only because that was the day after our daughter Amalia was born. I couldn't leave her without either of us so soon."

"Do you think I'll ever get to meet her?"

"Of course! She's your cousin, afterall. I'll take you guys down to the village by the end of the week so you can meet everyone."

A family reunion sounded like a great idea.



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