Chapter 16: Someday Never Comes

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You gently set your crown on your head, knowing and happy it was the last time you'd ever have to wear it. You slipped one glove on, and then took a good look at your wedding ring. Was it all you were fighting you? And even if it was, it was definitely enough.

You slipped your left glove on now and then put your necklace around your neck, and patted down your royal blue dress. This was now the ceremony to have you abdicate and hand the throne down to Rhoam once again.

Even though this was what you had been wanting to happen, in a way it made you sort of sad. You were glad you were the giving the kingdom it's little bit of peace back. Now you could go and live your life with Revali and not have to worry.

But the part that made you sad was that now it was almost as if you had nothing left to fight for. Amirah was finally resting. Your marriage with Revali was finally accepted. You were handing the crown back to the person it belonged to.

While you finally were at peace, it felt unnatural. Maybe it was just that it was a new feeling you weren't used to. This new freedom.

Another thing that didn't help the feeling was the knowledge that your crime was apparently bad enough that you needed to serve the kingdom somehow. Whether it was being locked up for a bit or doing something to help Reeve, it was something. They let Rhoam off. An action he didn't even think was fair.

"Queen _____," You heard Captain Marc knock on the door, and you sighed, hoping this was one of the last times you would have to hear that. "It's time."


"Alright, Queen _____, we'll have you step up here first." You obeyed Captain Barry's orders and went to stand on the highest step leading to the railing of the balcony, and he gave you the signal. You bowed to everyone below before slowly removing your crown, and then you handed it to him. "Now, Prince Rhoam."

You couldn't help but let out a laugh, as this was the first time in so many years you heard that title on him. Though it wasn't official, he was often called Prince Rhoam before he and Amirah got married.

"Everyone, meet your new king, Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule!" Rhoam shot a glare towards Barry, who just whispered "I'm sorry it was in my script." To him. You chuckled, and everyone below cheered as Rhoam was announced their official King once again.

Finally, it was all over.


"_____?" Rhoam knocked quietly on your already open door, and you allowed him in. "I'm glad we resolved this. Thank you." You gave him a small smile, and he nodded. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going home." You breathed, packing up the last of your stuff. "I may just be able to make it in time for our competition, and if I can I want to."

"But what about the whole service thing? Adrian wants to see you." He said, watching as you threw your last set of arrows into the bag before sipping it up.

"You can cover for me, right?" You asked, heaving the bag onto your shoulder. Rhoam stood looking a bit sad so you sighed. "Look, Rhoam, even you said it wasn't fair that I got sentenced and you didn't. Please?"

"You're lucky it wasn't worse than that." He mirrored your sigh, and then sat down at the edge of your bed. "Yes, I can... I can cover for you. I just want you to be happy."

"And I am! Rhoam, do you know how relieved I feel? I am so glad you called me out here for this! I feel so... free." You looked out the window of your balcony, watching the thin white curtains flow with the wind. "This is what I've wanted. Thank you for letting me have it." Rhoam forced a smile, and you could tell. "Aren't you happy too? You have your crown, and your leading position back. Life's going how it should."

"Not all how it should." He walked over to your balcony, and you followed him. He looked out across Hyrule, the land you were both sworn to protect. "Amirah and I were supposed to rule over this land together, with Zelda in her training and you training with your scrolls, in and out of the kingdom and Rito Village." You smiled a bit to this but that smiled dropped when he continued. "I'm sure regardless you'd be where you're happiest. But I'm not."

"Rhoam, I," You tried to speak but you couldn't go any further than just that. You didn't know what to say to make this any better for him. Sure you were finally happy, but he wasn't. "I'm sorry."

"It's not any of your fault." He closed his eyes and just listened to the sound of the wind. "There's nothing I can do about my life now but wait for it to go on. You have a chance for your happiness and I want you to take it." You nodded and felt tears meet at the corners of your eyes, but you wiped them away and just hugged Rhoam.

"I have to leave before Revali starts to worry." You hopped up onto the ledge and grabbed your paraglider, and Rhoam looked out right towards Rito Village. "Good luck finding your best opportunity for happiness." He smiled weakly, and you were about to jump but you looked back into the room. "Also there's a bird in my room. I had to take her back since her wing got hurt. You should take her in to get checked up on."

"Right. When do you think I'll see you again?" He asked, and you thought for a few long seconds before looking back at him.

"Someday, Rhoam. Someday." You readied your stance as you held your glider up. "Goodbye." You then leaped off the railing and glided towards Rito Village. It wouldn't take you all the way, but enough to get you halfway at least.

Rhoam watched you glide until you were out of sight before walking back into your room to see the little bird on the bed inside the crate. He opened the door and let it hop out, and he gently picked it up since it still couldn't fly.

He looked up at the large painting of him and Amirah and Zelda on the wall, and tears ran down his face as he kept repeating one of the last things he heard from Amirah in his head.

"Once we beat this Calamity, I promise you Rhoam, we'll have true happiness then. We just have to fight through this now."


Congratulations! If you're reading this, you made it through this round of my sad sappy angsty stuff! :D

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