Chapter 21: Tea, Crackers and Chocolate

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"There's my girl." You blinked a few times as you yawned, and you smiled softly as Revali settled into your vision. "Mmm, you're so pretty when you wake up." You blushed and giggled, both at that and the ticklish feeling of feathers skimming down your side. His wing wrapped around your midsection, and you started to gently pet him.

"You're so fluffy and soft." You simpered as you engulfed yourself into his warmth, and he blushed and held you close to his chest as you continued to spoil him with affection. "How did I get so lucky as to find someone so cute like yourself?" You kissed his neck, and he looked away with a tiny smile - hardly noticeable to you but just enough.

"I was wondering," He started, lowering himself down so his beak was level with your chest. "How long is it gonna be before we'll actually have the baby?" You stroked the feathers on his head and then kissed where you had been petting before placing a hand on your abdomen.

"Well, for hylians it's around thirty-six weeks, or nine months, and since Jetta told me that I'm already about ten weeks, we only have maybe twenty to go." You explained, reaching for his wing. Once you had it, you placed it on your stomach and then held your hand on top of his.

"Well I know that we're different, so did Jetta tell you if this is a regular pregnancy or a rito one? Because you know we're birds and it works differently for us..." He snuggled into you, and you wrapped your free arm around him.

"She said we probably won't know for another few weeks." You sighed, and he nodded and slipped his other wing under you and around your back. "Either way, are you sure you're ready?"

"Absolutely." He smiled as he looked up so you could kiss his beak, and then he moved up so he could rest his head on your chest. "I'm quite ecstatic about it." He started to rub gently around your belly and you hummed softly and began stroking his head again. "Knowing the woman I love more than anything is going to become the mother of my child." You blushed and hid your pink face in your pillow, and Revali chuckled, letting the sound of your heartbeat now lull him to sleep.

You continued to soothe him as he rested, wondering how it was all going to lay out. Would the baby be okay? Are you and Revali gonna know what to do? There were plenty of other Rito-Hylian couples with kids, like Abby and Eagle with Kaneli. But not all would be the same.

You shifted, trying te get comfortable again, and Revali, while half asleep, noticed your discomfort.

"Go to sleep, love... you need to rest..." He whispered groggily, and you continued to pet his feathers, trying to get him to fall back asleep. You likely fell back into a deeper sleep before he even did.


"Mmm..." You smiled as you slowly opened your eyes, yawning as feathers graced your cheek. You looked up to see Revali in front of you, outside of the hammock, and you could feel all of the blankets around you now. "Hey." You pouted, wishing it was him around you rather than the mountain of blankets.

"Now, _____, you were freezing. Besides, I wanted to make sure you were supplied in food." He set down a tray on the table next to your sleeping spot, and on it was a cup of tea, some crackers and some chocolate. "I heard from Abby that these are very common hylian cravings."

"I'm not all that hungry, though." You let your head sink into your pillow, ears tilting downwards as you wanted nothing more than to sit and nibble on the crackers or suck on the chocolate, the thought of eating in that moment made your stomach churn.

"You haven't eaten much for the past few days. You're going to be eating for two now, and I need you to keep up." He sat down next to you and let you lay your head on his leg, and you snuggled into his warmth.

"I'll try," You sighed as he rubbed your back. "But it's not my fault I'm not hungry. I'd normally be happy to eat this but my stomach's been rejecting everything."

"We'll start slow and move you up from there. I don't want to force you to eat if you can't handle it, but I'm also not about to let you starve because of that. It's for not only your health now, remember that." He pecked your cheek, and you finally sat up and reached for a cracker.

"Okay." You ate the whole thing, and after swallowing it you tried to wait and see if your body would have a reaction or not. "I think I can take it for now."

"Alright, you just let me know when you can't. Eat as much of it as you can, and take your time." You nodded and kissed his cheek, and he rested his beak on your head as you nibbled on your chocolate. "Though, I don't believe tea will exactly wait for you." You smiled and sipped the warm drink as your husband made his best attempt at giving you a massage.


"I know you're not going to cry over spilling tea, but it's just so sad!"

- Uncle Iroh

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