Chapter 23: Adventures!

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"Revali, I'm ready to go!" You chirped, happy about feeling energetic for the first time in a couple weeks. You sat down on your bed, waiting for your rito to return to your room. "Revaliiii?"

Ever since you hit the halfway point of your pregnancy, you weren't as comfortable in the hammock anymore. Sure, it used to be nice getting to snuggle up during a blizzard with Revali and being completely wrapped in his wings. But with it not just being the two of you anymore, you needed more space.

With this, Revali got a bed for the both of you, that way while you had the option to cuddle with him, you could also lay flat out and have room to spread out a bit. He didn't spend many nights in the hammock anymore either, only when you decided you would starfish across the bed.

"I'm here, I'm here, give me a moment." He walked into your room, trying to fix a piece of your armor. "I know I said I was ready but-"

"And then you attack me when I say I'm ready when I'm really not." You folded your arms, smiling a bit as he huffed and continued to fumble with the metal. "Hey, I was ready before you and I even slept in. What's taking you so long?"

"Don't rush the process, _____, I want to at least look half decent while I'm out for the first time in a month with everyone. Especially being seen by such a highly esteemed member of the royal family."

"Okay, we've had enough of this." You grabbed his scarf and pulled him backwards enough so you could plant a kiss on his cheek, and then you ruffled the feathers up on his head. "Revali, if you want my opinion, I think you're handsome all the time."

"Aw, really?" He smiled, and you nodded and fixed his other armor piece he hadn't noticed yet. "You're so sweet."

"I try my best." You giggled, stretching out your back. "I really do think you're the cutest rito this kingdom has ever seen." You smiled, and he did too. "Even if you're a little bit sassy sometimes." His smile dropped as was replaced with a small irritated frown, and you started laughing.

"Hey, well excuse me, princess-" You pulled him in towards you and pressed your nose to the tip of his beak.

"Shush, you." You kissed him again and then turned back around and walked towards your bed. "Gods, sometimes I wonder if I'm really the pregnant one here. Either that or you just got all my outside symptoms."

"Oh you're over exaggerating it, _____." He rolled his eyes and went back to his armor. "I'm not that bad."

"Really?" You rested your hand on your hip and snickered. "You've been way more moody than me to start, one minute you're all happy and fuzzy and then the next your slumping around annoyed by something. And tell me, who's the one that ate all that sweet stuff yesterday? Hmm..."

"Enough talk, _____." He picked you up and threw you on to your bed, and you erupted into giggles. He nibbled your ear and you gripped his feathers, enjoying the short moment with him. "Now come on, love, we gotta get to the flight range and beat the others there."


"Ha! See, I told you we'd beat the others here." Revali said proudly as the pair of you walked into the small wooden hut. "I thought at least Orville would've made it." He unpacked all of his stuff and started setting up some food, but halted when he heard you sneeze. "You alright?"

"I'm fine." You said, sniffling as you set out a blanket for yourself. "It's just really cold, is all." You sat down, watching him unpack. "Are you sure it was today they wanted us to meet here?"

"Yes, I'm sure, it's been nearly twenty minutes and-" He stopped when he looked outside. "Oh no." You got up and walked over to look too, noticing a large wave of clouds coming over. "There's a blizzard incoming." He looked behind him to see you walk out to the platform, and you picked up a note. "What's that?"

"Orville and Eagle knew about the blizzard. They left this here in case we got here anyways." Revali sighed and put his wing over his beak, and you walked back inside and started putting stuff away. "We better get going if we're going make it back in time."

"Right." The pair of you packed everything back up, but by the time you were done, it started snowing. Hard. "_____, I don't think I can fly in this weather." Revali said, looking outside. He looked back at you to see you sitting on the floor, nose, cheeks and ears completely red. "_____!"

"I'm alright, just cold." You managed, sneezing again as he sat by your side. "Are we stuck here now?" You asked, shivering as he pulled another blanket put and wrapped it around you.

"I'm afraid to say so," He breathed, setting a different blanket on the ground near the fire along with some pillows. "Sit here. I can't have you getting sick." You sat down, and he wrapped his wings around you as well.

"Well what are we gonna do?" You leaned into him, his feathers and the blanket working wonders for your temperature with the added heat of the fire.

"Well, you are going to sit here and try and get some rest. I'm going to keep you warm." He held you close to him, and you rested your eyes and tried to sleep. While Revali didn't want to say further, he was concerned about your situation. You had never been in a bad blizzard before, and he knew hylians couldn't handle low temperatures like the rito could. Everytime he would nearly doze off, he had to remind himself to keep a close eye on you.

"Revali, why do you keep trying to feel my neck?" You asked, yawning as you curled up into an even smaller ball - as hurled up as you could get without causing discomfort to you or your child.

"Because I'm worried," He confessed, and you squinted at him as he placed his wing on your back again. "I need to be sure your heartbeat isn't too slow. These temperatures could eventually drop to near freezing, and I need to be sure you're not getting too cold."

"I'm okay, Revali. I don't feel cold." You breathed, resting your head back on his lap. He looked back at the fire and started petting your head.

"That could be even worse. You could be getting hypothermia." He leaned back against the wall, relieved that your heartrate and breathing hadn't changed, but worried that meant something else. He started to doze off, and eventually, couldn't wake himself up.


"Revali, _____, wake up." He felt Eagle shaking him, and he quickly looked down at you. You were completely quiet, no sound was coming from you. "Are you guys alright?"

"_____? _____!" Revali gently shook you, relieved to hear you cough a bit before groaning. "How are you feeling? Are you cold? Are you sick?" He turned you over and began checking you, now noticing the red from your face was gone.

"Mmm, you're warm." You hummed, still half asleep. He didn't mess up the little burrito you were wrapped in, but he still panicked.

"Are you too warm?! Tell me, _____!" Eagle kneeled down and felt your head, then checked your pulse. "Is she okay?! Oh goddess, I knew we shouldn't have stayed out here, I-"

"Revali, calm down. She feels perfectly fine to me. The blizzard's over, and we can go home now." He helped Revali up, and Revali made sure you were more awake before helping you to stand.

"I'm tired." You whined, rubbing your eyes. He and Orville stuffed all the blankets into a bag, and Revali hugged you and pecked your cheek. "And now I'm cold."

"I know, love. We're going home and then we can get all cozy in bed and rest, okay?" You nodded, and let the three boys lead you out and fly you back to Rito Village.

Once you got back, you got comfortable in bed with Revali, and he cuddled with you to keep you warm for the rest of the night, and luckily you wound up not having a cold after all.


Betchya some of ya guys may be getting a little suspicious with all this fluff rolling down right after that entire mess of drama? Or are you? Should you be? True or False?

Also hey where did 1K reads come from all of a sudden? Sorry for all the questions- also how y'all doin? >:3

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