Chapter 5: Hylian Tradition

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You woke up from your evening nap, having been tired and almost miserable all day, but after this last nap you found yourself feeling better. You went downstairs to stand on the edge of the landing platform with the Rito crest in the center, just sipping some special kind of tea that was supposed to help. Revali had requested you rest while he was gone, or to at least be easy on your body, so you did. It was nice getting to look out and watch the bright orange sun set beneath the horizon outstretching along Hyrule's rim, and you knew the moon was rising behind you now, but for the moment you focused on the sun.

"_____?" You could hear Revali walk up the stairs behind you, and when you turned around, you saw him smile. He jogged over to hug you, wrapping his large wings around you - each and every time it made you happy to be enveloped in his wings. "Your dress is soft." He commented, and you smiled as he pecked you head. "Let me go get changed and I'll meet you back out here."

You nodded to him as he went upstairs to your room, and you continued to sip at your drink and nibble your muffin, gazing out at the sun. You were lost in thought about having to go see a healer since you were starting to not feel good again, but the feeling of a cold beak pressed against your cheek distracted you.

"How have you been doing tonight, my lovely?" He asked, and you blushed with the pet name and reached over to hug him. He slowly rocked a bit with you holding on to him, and then you pulled away and booped his beak.

"I'm great now that you're here." You smiled as he gently stroked your cheek as he stood with you, and he carefully and softly pecked your lips. "Mmm, I love you." He chuckled and buried his beak into the crook of neck, mumbling sweet things you could hardly hear but you picked up on most of them - there being a good reason he was mumbling.

"I need to talk to you about something," Revali started after a few minutes, pulling himself away from you. You gazed up at him and he rested his wing on your head, admiring the softness of your hair as much as you admired the softness of his feathers. "So, when hylians decide to marry each other, do they just decide one day to get married?" He asked, and you giggled and waved you hand a bit.

"Well, most hylians usually have... a way to sort of promise it first." The bird tilted his head to this, and you tried to figure out how to word it. "Take Eagle for example. He proposed to Abby, and they aren't married yet. Engagement is like a promise to marry soon."

"How would one 'propose'?" He asked, and you blushed a bit while you were thinking of how to explain it to him. His emerald eyes were nothing but curiosity, and you couldn't help but smile a bit with how much he wanted to know and cared about Hylian tradition.

"One of the two in the relationship, typically the man, gets a ring for the woman. And once he has this ring, he''ll go like this," You kneeled down and held Revali's wing in your hand, and he blushed like mad. "And then sometimes they have speeches, and sometimes they don't."

"What are the speeches like?" He asked, and you were surprised he hadn't already grabbed his book to take notes on this. He did have rather good memory, though...

"Usually they're just supposed to be sweet, and sometimes they talk about memories they've had with the person and stuff like that. But the main thing they say for the proposing part is 'Will you marry me?'." You shrugged as you asked this, and Revali's eyes lit up when you did.

"Yes!" Revali smiled, and now you went red. "Oh wait- oh yeah I'm the man." He helped you up, and you were giggling as he only got redder than you each second. "Did you mean that though?" He asked you eagerly, and you laughed nervously and looked away.

"I-I was just showing you what it was all about." You coughed, and he looked a bit disappointed.

"So, are you not ready?" He asked, and you could feel your head spinning as you didn't want to word your answer bad enough for it to give him the wrong message.

"Well I don't know if you're ready." You shrugged, looking out across the balcony worried about how this was going to go down.

"You want to know how ready I am?" He asked, and you looked up at him wide-eyed. "Let me show you then." He got down on his knee, holding your hand in his wing, and he pulled out a tiny box. And when he opened it, there was a small silver ring with blue, green and yellow gems on the top. You gasped, not being able to take your eyes off of the gorgeous piece of jewelry.

"R-Revali..." Your hand shot to your mouth and your eyes started to well up with tears.

"I had the ring with me just in case. Eagle told me a bit about it, but I wasn't sure. I wanted to ask you first." He looked down at the little white box, and then back up at you. "So... first is the speech! Yes!" You smiled through tears and he cleared his throat. "I love you. A lot. And even though I'm not sure about love at first sight, I recall you're skill and similarity to myself catching my eye fairly quickly, and I'll admit it wasn't long before I started to recognize some feelings." He looked up at you to make sure you were happy, and you were trying to prevent the inevitable flow of tears down your face, and he stopped. "Wait, did I say something? Why are you crying? Are you okay?" He reached up to caress your cheek to the best of his ability, and you held his wings gently and nodded.

"No no, keep going." You managed, and he went on with a bit of hesitancy, and you admired the way the last bit of light hit his light blue feathers, and he wiped some of the tears off your cheeks before continuing.

"All I know is you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. You're it for me, _____." He took another pause. "What's next... oh! Yes of course!" He held your hand closer to his chest and smiled. "You will marry me! Wait! No... *ahem*, I meant... Will you marry me?"

You giggled and burst into tears, going in to kiss him all over his beak. He looked a bit worried, but hugged you anyways.

"So... will you?" He asked again and you nodded, wiping tears from your eyes.

"Yes!" He smiled brightly and gently went to kiss your lips before helping you to slip the ring onto your finger. "I didn't know if you were serious when I said it."

"I am when it comes to you." He pulled you into a comfortable embrace, both of you sitting down on the landing now, and you laughed and planted a soft kiss to his neck.

"I love you, Revali. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." You cuddled into his chest, and he chuckled and gently rubbed your back.

"I love you more. Thank you. For everything." He hid his beak in your hair, whispering more sweet little things in your ear until the sun finally went down, and the moon began to glow over Hyrule.


I've been planning this one forever and I'm very happy about finally getting to write it!

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