Chapter 25: Naps and Spicy Peppers

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"NEED. MILK!" Revali rushed to grab the glass of milk on your dresser, and you swear you've never seen him chug anything faster. "Oh my gods, _____- how are you eating this stuff?!"

"It's good." You shrugged, taking a bite of one of the peppers. "Besides, Sandy said that this kind of food could help move things along," He was still mad about his tongue being on fire, and you giggled a bit as he ate more cold stuff. "Amirah was eating plenty of spicy food before she had Zelda."

"I know I said anything you did I'd do too, but," He downed another glass of milk. "I can't do spicy food. Anything but that. Anything."

"Deal with the other pain for me?" You tilted your head, watching his face go from panting and tired to wide eyed and a bit scared. "I'm kidding- the least you can do is try and help."

"How exactly can I help?" He asked, sitting down on the bed next to you. "I know Sandy gave some suggestions, like walking around and eating spicy foods, but what can I do?"

"I don't know," You breathed, setting the plate to the side. "You could help me by..." You thought for a few minutes and then realized you couldn't come up with much he could really help you with. "Hm. I'll be honest, I have no clue."

"I'll stand by and support you, then. Anything you need that'll help, I'll get you." He wrapped his wings around you and you buried your face into his neck feathers. "Do you need anything right now?"

"I need this kid out of me already." You groaned, and he sighed and nodded. He knew how miserable the last few weeks had been, and he wanted nothing but for you to be comfortable again. He just didn't know what to do.

"A nap is the best I can do. Lay down, I'll rub your back." He helped you to get under the covers, and as he laid down next to you, he began to massage your back. It was gentle, as with wings he couldn't do super rough. You liked it better anyways.

"Revali," Eagle whispered as he walked into the room. "Orville and I need you down at the flight range." Revali sat up so he could see if you were sleeping, and when he looked, you were.

"It is urgent?" He asked, now petting your head with one of his wings. Eagle nodded, and he sighed and gave your cheek a soft peck before getting out of bed, careful as to not wake you up.

"Come on." The pair left once Revali had his stuff, and they headed off to the flight range. It wasn't a long trip, and before long they arrived. Orville and Parro dove in together fairly quickly afterwards. "We found this."

"The golden arrow." Revali and Parro looked down at the arrow, and Orville and Eagle nodded. "But what does it mean? How long has it been here?"

"This isn't the one that you won back when we were young," Eagle said, holding it up higher. "This is a new one. The competition is going to happen again soon. It's been nearly twenty years, now."

"That is correct, boys!" Bizz walked into the flight range, and both Eagle and Revali gave him a glare. "The competition will be tomorrow!" He took the arrow into his larger grey wing, smiling at it. "I hope you're ready!"

"I don't know if I can go," Revali huffed. "I promised _____ I would take her out tomorrow to the lake."

"Well, then that's your problem!" Bizz chirped, and Eagle rolled his eyes and shook his head with a deep sigh. "You three, especially you Eagle, are my best competitors! I do hope you'll be able to come." He paused for a second, and Orville and Parro both nodded. "This time is very special! Whoever wins gets to go meet King Rhoam at the end of the week for the champion meeting!"

Revali's eyes went wide and a gasp escaped his beak.

"T-The champion meeting?" He managed, and Bizz nodded proudly. "The King surely wouldn't decide the champion based off of a silly competition."

"That's right, he's not!" Bizz exclaimed, and all the birds were now confused. "We are! He asked to send our most skilled down, and we're doing a competition to see who it is! It's alright that you can't come, Revali. Wouldn't have a made a difference anyways."

"Excuse me!?" Revali shouted as Bizz flew away, and Eagle had to grab his wing and drag him away from the door. "I'll have you know that the queen of Hyrule noticed my skill years ago! Both of them!"

"Revali, it's alright. If you really can't go, we'll hold a spot for you to see Rhoam." Eagle said, patting his friends back. Leaving Revali to remember.


"Hey!" He landed on the cloud with him and held out the arrow. Eagle looked at him confused.

"You already won," He spat. "That's not gonna do anything for either of us."


"I can't do that, Eagle." He sighed. "I've heard Bizz say it's against the rules." He walked to the door and got himself ready to fly back. "Good luck to you three." And with that, he flew off.

As he was flying back to the village, he thought about it. Sure, just because he was married to you gave him no special treatment by Rhoam. He was actually treated slightly worse with this. From the very first moment he knew about the relationship, Rhoam disliked him.

Amirah had seemed to want him to become the champion. So did you. But now it wasn't up to either of you, it was up to the King. He would just have to wait and see what would happen. He didn't want to disappoint you or even himself.

He got back to the village, but as he was walking up to your room, he heard something. So he continued up the stairs, a bit faster this time. He didn't hear it again.

"_____, love are you okay?" He got to the top step and then hurried to your shared room, but as he got to the doorway, he was worried and a bit confused with the sight he was met with. "_____?"


For any of you who read the recent oneshot - The Golden Arrow - this chapter is refering to that

Pt 2 of that oneshot will be out pretty soon

I'm also starting a new book specifically for the Royal Rebel oneshots, so a few of those will be out today

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