Chapter 6: Weakness

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You shivered as you walked through the Hebra snow towards the flight range. You had started to get worried about Revali, as he had been out for almost two whole days straight without you hearing from him.

You climbed up the wooden ladder, surprised to see all of his stuff - including his bow - still inside when you got to the top. But he wasn't there at all.

You looked around, even looking out at the mountain. Worried that he had gone all the way up there by himself. You took in a breath as you left the wooden hut, ready to go look for him. But just as you started walking, you heard a thud behind you.

"Revali?" You turned around to see him on his wings and one knee, and he was panting heavily. "What are you doing out here? I've been so worried!" You kneeled down next to him, and he looked up at you.

"_____, I thought you were with Abby." He managed, and you helped him up. "You weren't supposed to come out here yet."

"Why not?" You asked, tilting your head. He shook out his messy feathers a bit, and then hopped up onto a large rock on the edge. He kneeled and held his wings to his sides, flapping once - which created a large tornado of wind.

He leaped up into it, spiraling as he flew up straight through the center. Not too far in, he began to spin too much and then was pushed out of the wind. He landed behind you again, and he tried to get up but his wings gave out on him and he fell on to his chest.

"I wanted to have it ready so I could show you..." He pouted, and you sat down next to him, gently petting his feathers as he rested his head on your leg. "I need to be better for you."

"I think you did a good job. I certainly could never." He raised what would be his eyebrow, and you sighed, and started rubbing his back. "I mean- I just think for a rito, that's pretty good."

"But it needs to be perfect. I need to prove to you that I can be the best, because that's what you deserve." He sighed, and you smiled and kissed his head.

"You've proven that to me a long time ago, Revali. You're always the best in my eyes." You saw him smile a bit, and you helped him sit up, and he wrapped his wings around you. "But..." You paused, and he looked down at you with a bit of worry. "I think you push yourself a bit too hard sometimes."

"A true champion keeps going until they've mastered their trade." He said, and you shook your head and held your finger to his beak.

"No, a true champion knows when they've pushed themselves too far. I want you to reach your goal, Revali, I really do. But you need to take breaks for yourself." You got up and pulled him up with you, and once again he shook off the snow that he was covered in.

"At least let me stay out here a little longer?" He smiled and gave you puppy dog eyes, caressing your cheek. And you smiled right back and placed a hand on his neck.

"I wish I could honey. Now get your stuff and come on. You're going to get hurt if you don't take a break." You kissed his beak and walked off towards the village, and he sighed and went to pack up. But as he was packing up his stuff, he got one last boost of confidence. So he wanted to try again.

He got into position, created that gust of wind, and then flew up. He was going good, he almost reached the top. But he got a bit too confident.

He tried to fly out too early, and it pushed him out with at least twice the force as the first time. He fell towards the snow on the opposite side of the flight range.

Once he hit the ground, he heard a loud growl. He looked up, too weak to hardly move aside from that. The lynel got ready to strike him with it's club, and Revali couldn't do anything but regret going back again.

Lucky for him, you were there to block the attack. You used your power to take the lynel out, and right after it was killed, you stood in silence - back facing Revali.

"_____, can we-"

"Let's go." You huffed, starting to walk. He got up and followed to back to the flight range. He grabbed his stuff, and then stood on the edge of the cliff, ready to fly back.

"You ready?" He asked, watching as you walked the other way. "_____?"

"I can walk just fine. Besides, that fall didn't look too pleasent on your back." You continued to walk, and he sighed and offered one more time. Upon getting denied, he flew back and spent around twenty minutes waiting for you to come back and lecture him.

But an hour went by after even that and you still hadn't returned.

He finally went out to search for you, and after looking around for a while, he saw you fighting two talus's at the same time.

"_____!" He flew down and tried to help you, but he was quickly whacked out of the way by one of the talus's, and then suddenly they both poofed into thin air. "What are you doing?!"

"Trying to get some frustration out." You said, looking around for more monsters.

"_____, I promise I'll take a break if that's what you want. Just come back." He pleaded, and you sighed and started walking away, but he caught up with you. "What is it you want?"

"I want you to listen to me for once! Revali, I love you, but you're very stubborn. Even you know that." You pointed a finger towards his chest, and he huffed and folded his wings.

"Just give me a chance to train. I want to be recognized by King Rhoam. I'm supposed to be the next champion, and I need to be ready, okay?"

"Fine. Then you can go train. But when you realize I'm right, don't come-" You felt a gust of wind go by you, and off went Revali towards the flight range again. You sighed and began walking towards the village again, cold and frustrated now.


Somebody hurry up and take my spice kit away from me


Also! Two oneshots are already out now and I'm not stopping here ;)

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