Chapter 18: Cold As The Ice You Were Under

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You had been laying awake for nearly ten minutes now, groaning with the throbbing pain in your head. Orville and Parro were in and out making sure you were okay, and Orville said that he had a healer on the way. You were trying to remember what had happened, as the last thing you really remembered was leaving Hyrule Castle after Rhoam was re-coronated

"She's in here, miss." Orville led the healer in, and she rushed to your side once she saw you. She sat down next to you and first checked your pulse, then your eyes and then she looked over your head before pulling the blanket higher onto your shoulders.

"She's alright. Just keep her warm. Her heart is still trying to get back to normal, but aside from this, she's doing fine. I'll be back in around an hour." Orville thanked the healer as she left, and then went to sit by your side.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as you yawned, still holding your head. "You and Revali were stuck under that ice for a while. We were all scared for you two." He stirred your herb tea a bit before helping you to drink some, and you looked at him in question.

"Ice? Revali?" You asked as soon as he set the cup down.

"Yes, you fell into a lake of ice and Revali dived in to save you, but neither of you got out until Bizz and Kanyen were able to get in and save you." He took a drink of his own water, and Parro walked in behind him with more towels. "Revali's okay, though. He didn't hit his head like you did so he woke up pretty fast." He tilted his head as you looked around with confusion, noticing how you almost looked scared. "You remember anything, kid?"

"I remember being at Hyrule last with Rhoam, and-"

"Woah woah woah, so lemme get this straight. You don't remember the competition? Or seeing Revali? Or falling into that lake?" You shook your head and looked at him as if he was spouting nonsense, and he then called for Eagle. "Eagle, go get Revali. Right now." The black and white rito nodded before heading out to find Revali.


"Revali!" He called as he reached the flight range. "We need you back at the village. _____ woke up." Revali shook his head, pacing around the small wooden hut slowly, trying to keep himself warm enough.

"Tell her I'll be back in a little while. I'm not done with my thinking." He continued to pace, but Eagle kept persisting. "What is so urgent that I need to come back right now?"

"She can't remember anything past leaving the castle yesterday! You have to talk to her!" Revali's eyes went wide, and he thought for a moment before following Eagle out to Rito Village to see you.


"_____?" He entered the room and saw you laying in the hammock with blankets over you, so he rushed over to sit by your side. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"What happened? What am I doing here already?" You asked, and he spent a few minutes fumbling with his words trying to explain but you stopped him as he started to make no sense. "Did the competition happen?" You asked, and he nodded. "Oh. Sorry I didn't make it." He was about to add and say you did, but you beat him to speaking. "Also, I'm really glad I'm back. I really need to talk to you."

"What do you need to talk to me about?" He asked, and you reached your hand out for his wing, and he happily obliged and took your hand.

"I found out that I..." You paused and tried to figure out how to word it, and finally decided how to. "I've been queen for the whole past year. And they took me in to do a trial." Revali's eyes went wide, and he held you hand a bit tighter.

"Trial? What did they have you on trial for? I thought it wasn't your fault that they made you queen." You nodded as he spoke, pulling his wing in closer to your chest. Leaving him wondering why you were explaining it now and not before.

"I got in trouble for running away." You slumped further into the hammock, and he gently lifted you a bit so he could hug you. "I'm sorry for you getting mixed up in all of this." He gently rubbed your back as he held you, and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"It's okay. I'm just glad you decided to talk to me about it." You continued to go on with the details of the trial, and he continued to listen. Still confused, upset and relieved that you were finally telling him the truth.


"Revali." You started as he made sure you were all cuddled up and warm in front of the fire place, and he sat down next to you. "I remember what happened now and I'm really sorry."

"It's alright _____, you were stressed and tired and-"

"No, it's not okay." You cut him off with this, and he remained quiet in his spot by your side. "You deserve me to be honest with you, and I need to keep my promise. It's just a lot."

"I know. I'm sorry for getting so frustrated with you. I just want us to be on the same page as much as we can be, that's all." You snuggled into his wings and he rested his beak on your head. "I forgive you."

"Thank you. For that and for everything else."


How's everyone's day going aside from falling into a freezing water? :)

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