Chapter 2

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                                       KATIE'S POV

When I first got to the hospital everyone seemed like they were in a mad dash and I couldn't get anyone's attention. Finally frustrated, I found a chair standing on it and raise my voice to try to get someone's attention.


'Finally!!, silence'. A woman comes up to me and asked who it is that I am looking for.

"Her name is, Stassi Ray Dasch". "She came in from a drug overdose".

"Let me see what I can find out for you, dear".

"Thank you".

She walks away and comes back about ten minutes later and tells me they had to pump her stomach and that it was lucky that we got her help when we did. The reception nurse told us that she was resting comfortably now and we could go see her one at a time if we wanted, but not to overwhelm her or upset her in any way.

"Of course, thank you!".

I step into Stassi's room where she is hooked up to several monitors that I assume are helping her breath. She looks so frail, just laying there sleeping. Her skin is paler than I remember.

"Oh, Stassi". "What have you done to yourself, Baby girl".

Stassi let's out a soft moan as she stirs awake.

"It's me honey, it's, Katie!". "I'm here!, you're safe". "You're in the hospital, sweetheart".

"Mmm Mmm". "W-what happened?".

"You overdosed, sweetie". "We called the paramedics to come help you".

"Y-you sh-should of just left me".

"Shhhh". "Just rest, sweetie". "Everything is going to be ok now".

"It will never be ok". "I let her disappear, I should have been watching better".

"Honey, you can't blame yourself for thing's you had no control over".

Just then her machines start to ding and buzz and Stassi start's shaking uncontrollably.


The nurses come rushing in tending to, Stassi's needs.

"Please step aside, Miss, and let us take care of your friend". "Someone get her out of here".... "Now!!".

The receptionist I spoke to earlier usher's me out of the room in a hurry and I go back to the waiting area where, Avory is waiting.

"What happened?, is she ok?".

"I don't know!". "One minute we were talking and the next her machines just started beeping". "All she kept saying was".... "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!". "And when I tried to ask her what for that's when thing's started going wrong". "I yelled for someone to come right away". "They made me leave so they could check her out".

Avory, wrap's her arm's around me, holding me tight. I sink into her shoulder and instantly begin sobbing.

"We can't lose her to, not after everything that's happened". "We just can't".

Avory lifts my head, making me look directly into her eye's.

"She will be ok, Katie". "Stassi, is strong!". "She might have a long road ahead of her, but she will pull through this". "She's a fighter!".

"I hope so, because we need her".

Just then the boy's and, Ember show up to the hospital, all with worried look's on their faces.

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