Chapter 21

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                                       JASON'S POV

'I have no idea what happened last night or how I even got home and now, Stassi is pissed at me'. 'Again!, because I was supposed to pick her up at the restaurant and didn't'. 'I know I shouldn't have caved so easily when I ran to, Soph like I did, but she sounded so panicked on the phone'. 'She needed me'. 'So yes!, I did the one thing I knew would piss off my wife and I ran to, Sophia'. 'I couldn't help myself, my disease just takes hold of me sometimes, and besides , I can't just leave someone struggle when I know I can help'. 'It's just not who I am'.

From what I do remember though. I know I went to help fix a pipe at, Sophia's place but I can't help but think that 'Fixing a pipe' has a hole other meaning for something entirely different other then what it actually was, like ive done something wrong but that it just felt so right.

And I keep having these flashes appear in my head of what feel's like a distant memory of being in a room with a red door laying on a bed and some women hovering over me kissing down my body and it feeling amazing, but I can't quite make out who the woman is.

'Fuuuuck!!'. 'What did I do, what have I done'.

My phone rings pulling me from my haze and of course it's the one person my disease seems to gravitate to most... 'Sophia!'.

"Good morning, handsome".

"What do you want, Sophia?".

"Well hello to you too, Sunshine!".

"What do you want?".

"I just wanted to thank you for the help yesterday".

"What happened yesterday?".

"What do you mean?". "You fixed a pipe for me". "Makai didn't suspect a thing".

"Why would it matter if, Makai knew if I was there?"... "Unless something else happened".

"I told you yesterday he would be mad if he found out the pipe broke, but he didn't". "What else is there?". "Jason, what's going on?".

"I don't know". "I don't remember much about yesterday, how did I even get home?".

"I took you after you fixed the pipe". "You weren't feeling well, don't you remember?". "You said you felt dizzy then when I helped you in my car you passed out". "By the way!"... "Has anyone ever told you that you are total dead weight when you don't help".

"Shit!, sorry about that". "I don't know what happened".

"It's fine, really". "I took you home, tossed you on the couch and left". "No big deal".

"Hey, thank's for that". "Sounds like I shouldn't of been driving anyway".

"No problem". "Anyway, thank's again for the help".

"Yeah, no problem". "Take care, Soph".

"You too, Jason".

Hanging up my phone I rub my hand down my face as I turn around and jump seeing, Stassi standing in the doorway to the livingroom with her arm's folded scowling at me.

"Sweetheart, wait!". "Please let me explain".

                                         STASSI'S POV

After having a brief conversation with, Jason last night when I got home I ended up sleeping in the guest bedroom. Only to toss and turn most of the night having missed him sleeping next to me. So this morning when I woke up I decided to have a calm adult conversation with him to hear his side of thing's.

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