Chapter 20

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                                    SOPHIA'S POV

It was sickeningly excruciating watching, Jason and that bitch he's with get married yesterday. He's supposed to be mine, Dammit!. I'm supposed to be his wife. So now I have to bide my time until he's actually mine.

Yes im aware I told my husband I'd stay away from him, but I just can't do it. So yesterday with the few conversations I was able to sneak with, Jason I was able to splice together a fake confession from him that he absolutely consented to be with me sexually even though he's now married.

So now all I have to do is show it to my husband and then, Jason will finally be mine.

"Baby!?". "Are you home?".

"Yes, Sweetheart".

"I have something to share with you".

He walks into the living room taking a seat next to me and kisses my cheek before speaking again.

"What do you have to share with me, Sweetheart?".

Pulling the recording device from my pocket I placing it in his hand.

"What's this?".

"Just play it, Baby and it will all make perfect sense".

He presses play and immediately, Jason's voice fills the air along with mine.

                         (FAKE RECORDING)

"Soph, we need to talk".

There's muffled shuffles on the recording device indicating that, Jason pull's me aside to talk in private before he finally speaks again.

"I want you, Sophia". "I have for awhile now". "You need to let me".

"What about, Stassi". "Won't she be upset, you just got married?".

"She wants me to be happy, she'll understand"... "I need you, Sophia".

"Oh, Jason". "I'm so happy, it's all ive ever wanted".


Taking the recording device from, Makai's hand I stop play placing it on the coffee table and sit watching him process the information before he finally speaks.

"When was this?".

"He pulled me aside at the reception after the ceremony yesterday".

He searches my face, probably for any tell tail signs of a lie but I make damn sure to keep a straight face because I want this so bad. I need this man!.

"He's absolutely sure he wants this?".

"You heard the recording, Baby". "He's sure".

He huffs out a curse under his shaky breath running a hand down the full length of his face before finally speaking yet again.

"Fine!, you can pursue him". "Just making damn sure he know's our rules".... "Absolutely no sex, only foreplay unless I am with you and we both know that won't be happening"... "Ever!". "It is also important that he have a safe word because even though they are the Sub and we're the Dom's, they have the control". "And the moment feeling's come into effect it ends". "Do you understand me little girl?, that is not negotiable".

"Yes, Sir!". "I understand". "Thank you for allowing me to play with your friend".

"Don't make me regret this, Sophia or there will be consequences".

"I understand, Sir".

"Good!". "Now leave me be, I have some thing's to do in the study".

Kissing my cheek again he exists the room to the study and I can finally breath a heavy sigh of relief.

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