Chapter 13

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After doing several more test's the doctor had determined that it wasn't heroin in my system, it was actually cocaine. I was shocked to hear this information but it was all making sense now why I was so out of it. And because I was slipped something different, the dose I took could have killed me. Should have killed me because it was actually three times the amount of what I had normally been talking because of the strength of the substance. Thank god, Jason found me when he did.

                                    STASSI'S POV

"Are you ready for today, Sweetheart?".

Jason pull's me from my thought's when he enters my stuffy hospital room.

"Hmmm?". "Yeah!". "I just wish I had the willpower to not end up in this situation again".

"I know, and I am so sorry for everything that I did". "I'm the reason you are back here, Sweetheart".

"We've both made mistakes, Jason".

"I just hope we can survive the mistakes we've both made".

The night after I had confessed that, Jason and I needed to talk I had instantly regretted it. I was so worried that he would just wipe his hands clean of me and walk away. I thought he would call me every disgusting name in the book for letting another man use me like, Julian did.


"Jason there's something I need to tell you, and I hope you still love me once you find out".

"What is it, Sweetheart?". "What could be so bad?".

"It's about what I had to do to get the fix I was given by, Julian".

"What is it, Sweetheart?". "What did that bastard do to my angel".

Looking away from, Jason I search for the willpower to muster up my confession.

"I".... "I'm so sorry, Jason". "I was only focused on getting high, it didn't matter what I had to do". "Or who it would hurt in the end".

"Please just tell me, Sweetheart". "We can fix it, we can fix us".

'It's funny'. 'That's exactly what, Jasmine told me that, Nick said to her when she cheated on him with, Jason'. 'And now, Jason is saying the exact same thing to me'.

Bracing myself for some kind of impact, I whisper my disgusting truth.

"I let him fuck me multiple times". "He said I couldn't get my fix unless I let it happen". "I let him, Jason". "I let him use me like I was nothing, less than nothing even". "I just wanted the fix, that's all I was focused on at the time".

I sat there with my eyes closed waiting for some kind of reaction, yelling, maybe something physical even. But nothing came. I opened my eyes slightly to see, Jason just staring at me.

When he finally see's my eye's he does something unexpected, he just pull's me in his arm's and hugs me... Tight!. Jason nuzzles his face in my hair and I hear him softly whisper.

"What he did to you was not your fault, Sweetheart". "He manipulated you, took advantage of your addiction". "He used you for his owne personal gain, Sweetheart". "What happened was not your fault".

I could feel the tears slip down my face as, Jason consoled me. I know it hasn't been easy, but I love this man and I don't think I could live life without him in it.

               DAY'S EARLIER

                                    JASON'S POV

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