Chapter 3

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                                       STASSI'S POV

Katie, and the other's came back like she promised. They stayed the morning and most of the afternoon until the nurse came to get me for group.

Now I have to sit infront of a bunch of fucking stranger's and listen to them tell me their problem's and I have to tell them mine. 'FUCK THAT SHIT!', im not telling anybody anything about the shit I've been through. They wouldn't understand anyway, they would just judge me or call me a 'Drug addicted slut'. I mean it's not a lie per se, it's what I was. I just don't want people knowing.

"Stassi"... "I know it's only your first day, but would you like to share?".

The rehab coach looks to me with kind eye's, but I just don't feel like talking.


I just sit slouched in my chair with my arm's folded infront of me looking at the floor, not really paying too much attention to anyone else in the room.

"Can I go, this is stu...".

He stops me before I even have a chance to finish my sentence.

"We don't use that word here and class isn't over for another hour and a half, Stassi".

He looks around the room before he speaks again.

"Would anyone else like to share today?"... "Jason?".

"Yes, sir!". "Hi, my name is, Jason".

Everyone in the room collectively replies.

'HI, JASON!!!'.

"So I had been using for six year's and I've been sober now for six month's". "I was into some pretty heavy duty shit back then and had completely hit rock bottom". "I almost died had it not been for my best friend who found me passed out in that grungy ditch and brought me to this hospital".

The deep silky smooth voice of the man sharing his story caught me off guard. I instantly raised my head looking for where it was coming from. When I finally spot where it's coming from he is already looking at me, watching me. When he sees me finally notice him he kinda smirks, 'At least I think it was a smirk'.

"Thank you for sharing, Jason". "OK, class!". "Let's take a half hour break". "Grab something to drink and some food, use the bathroom if you need to".

I get up and walk to the table to grab something to eat. I know someone is watching me. I developed that skill of knowing, by living the life I had the past two and a half year's. You can never be to careful.

"I used to be just like you, you know".

I turn around and he is inches away from me. The guy that was talking in group, Jason?, I think his name was?.

"Excuse me?".

I furrow my brows at him, a puzzled look on my face.

"Quiet!". "I used to be quiet and mad at the world just like you". "I didn't want to talk to anyone either, I hated being here". "I hated everything that this place stood for". "It took away everything I had known for the last six year's of my life".

"So what changed?".

"Time changed me". "I learned that the world really wasn't against me". "I learned to forgive the people around me". "I learned to forgive myself for putting me through what I went through, and what I put the people I love through".

I look away, not able to meet his gaze.

"I don't deserve forgiveness".

"Everyone deserves forgiveness, sweetheart". "You just have to learn how to accept it".

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