Chapter 5

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                                      KATIE'S POV

I had come to visit, Stassi thinking it was going to be a great day, but all i've been doing is sitting here the last half hour listening to her rage on about what this, Jason guy had done to her the night before in the stair well with some blonde whore.... 'Her word's, not mine'. And how stupid she thought she was for ever thinking she was good enough for someone like him, or that she couldn't even trust him in the first place.

"HE KISSED HER, HE ACTUALLY FUCKING KISSED HER".... "I'm such an idiot for trusting him, when I should have known what would happen". "I mean I have rule's for this very reason, Katie".

"Babe, Stop!". "You're not an idiot". "Have you even talked to him today about it, did you allow him the chance to explain what you thought you saw?".

Stassi, turns around facing me with a scowled look on her face.

"What I THOUGHT I SAW!?". "Really, Katie!!". "He kissed another girl, why the FUCK would I give him the opportunity to explain himself?". "All he'll probably do is lie his way through it anyway".

"You don't know that, Stassi". "What if it was this other".... "Chick!, that is responsible for what happened". "Maybe she caught him off guard and that's why he didn't pull away, right away".

"So, then why did I see him turn into her and deepen the kiss and pull her into him like he was enjoying it?". "He wanted to kiss her, I know he did". "And even if she caught him off guard, he still didn't push her away or stop the kiss from happening"... "He fucking kissed her!!".

"You really should talk to him before you just call it quits, at least let him explain himself before you end it for good".

"What's the point, he's gone after today anyway".

"The point is, Stassi".... "You need to know the truth before you just write him off". "He at the very least deserves that".

She sit's down on her bed, looking down at her fingers contemplating what she should do.

"I don't know, im scared of what he'll say". "What if I just totally screwed thing's up?".

"Well, you won't know until you talk to him".

                                 JASMINE'S POV

Last night went just as I had planned. Perfect actually, even better than I had hoped it would. That'll teach that bitch to take what's not hers. I know that, Jason leaves today but he said that we could still stay in touch, get to know eachother better. He actually seems interested in me again, maybe he finally realizes that I am the better choice afterall.

"Hey, you!". "You look like your just about all packed and ready to go".

He looks so sad it's almost pathetic, but that will change. I'll make him happy again, happier than that Bitch ever could.

"Yeah, just a few more thing's to pack then im out of this shit hole and away from all the memories".

"Not the memories of us, I hope!?".

I walk over to him and drape my arm's around his waist, pulling him into a hug and kiss his neck lightly causing a light moan to escape his chest before I respond again.

"We'll still keep in touch, right?". "We'll see eachother again won't we, baby?".

With his head still resting in the crook of my neck he replies just above a whisper.

"Yeah, of course!". "You were the first person I cared for after I got clean". "You've alway's been my constant, Jasmine". "You know that, right?.". "You were there for me at my lowest of point's".

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