Chapter 8

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                                     JASMINE'S POV

'Ok, one last check and then I should be all set to go'.. 'Tooth brush, Tooth paste, Clothes'. 'Dammit, Jasmine, focus!!'.

The truth is, I can't focus because I can't stop thinking about the event's that took place last night in that dimly lit office of his. The way he took complete control of the situation, the way he dominated me, the way he used my body like it belonged to him. It was like he was a completely possessed man or maybe he had just finally found his way home, 'Metaphorically speaking'.

Whatever the case may be, all I know is that I am completely confused and suffering sexual withdrawals now more then I have ever in my entire life. On the one hand I have, Jason who I love more than anything. And his dick, my god that dick!!!. I love that he know's exactly what I need without even having to tell him. Then there's, Nick!!. He may be older, but he's way more experienced in the thing's he know's and in the thing's he can do with his dick.

I mean I thought, Jason's dick could do magical thing's to my sweet kitty, but, Nick's dick!. I mean, damn!!. I honestly didn't know it was physically possible for a cock to get buried that deep inside a pussy like it did. And for him to demand that I not scream in sheer pleasure as he pummeled me the way that he did was damn near impossible.

Hearing a soft knock at the door I shaking my head free from the addictive thought's running wild through my mind, walk over to the door and answering it.

"Nick!, what are you...?".

                       COACH NICK'S POV 

I can't seem to get these images out of my head of the event's that conspired last night, all I was trying to do was stay a bit later in the hopes of avoiding my wife till she went to bed.

Thing's with my wife and I have been less than amazing lately and the fight we had yesterday morning before I left for work just proved that ten fold. She thought I had been cheating on her because of my late night's with work, and up until last night it had been completely false.

After, Jasmine and I.... You know!!, I went home and had a long hot shower trying to scrub the intoxicating touch and scent of her off my body, and the images that continuously flood my brain. 

Truth is though. I can't get them out of my head, or maybe I just don't want to. All I know is that now because of what we did I can't seem to stop craving this temptress. This woman standing before me surprised to even see that I am standing before her.

Stepping the rest of the way in her room I close the door behind me before finally speaking.

"I had to see you, baby". "I can't get last night's images out of my head". "What have you done to me?".

"I can't stop thinking about it either".

Pulling, Jasmine into a tight embrace I place several small kisses to her lip's.

"Mmmm Mmm". "What was that for, big boy?".

"Just a small thank you for last night, you might not know it but you helped me in more way's than one, baby". "And I don't want this"... "Us!". "Too end". "I want to be a part of your life for as long as you'll have me".

"W-what about your wife?".

"She left me".

Jasmine's eye's get big as she begins pacing the room, gets a panicked look in her eye's.

"Oh my god, what have I done?". "What happened?". "Did she find out about us?". "Oh my god, did I just destroy a family?".

I pull her tight to my body trying to calm her down.

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