Chapter 14

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"Stassi Ray Dasch!!".

                                     STASSI'S POV

Taking a deep breath, I once again step up onto the stage exposed and vulnerable infront of everyone.

'I can't believe I survived another sixty day's'. 'Getting clean this time was so much harder than I ever expected it would be, and the withdrawals this time around were so much more intense because of the change in drug substance that I was actually given'.


"Jason, I can't do this". "Can I please just have a little something for the pain?".

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart". "You know I can't do that".

I could feel the anger bubble up in my chest as I once again began lashing out like a child that didn't get their way. Spewing harsh venomous word's at, Jason like I had done many times before as he just stood there taking every insult like he had alway's done with m previous outbursts. I'm sure he know's that I don't mean to, but the logic in my brain between reality and fiction just doesn't seem to register yet.


Jason clears his throat pulling me from my torturous thought's.

"I'm so proud of you, Sweetheart".

After excepting my certificate, Jason approached me wrapping me in his strong protective arm's hugging me tight.

"I can't believe I did it"... "Again!".

"I knew you would be able to". "Did they say when you could move back to the sober living facility?".

"Next week". "They have a patient transferring to another house".

"Congratulations, Stassi". "I knew you could do it".

Turning to the familiar voice I notice, Coach walking up behind us.

"Thank's, Coach". "I'm just glad I had all of you for support".

The next week was spent packing my thing's and getting ready to move into the second stage of living on my owne again while still spending plenty of time with, Jason.

"How are you feeling, Sweetheart?".

"I'm nervous". "What if I fail again?".

"This time will be different, Sweetheart". "I know I've made mistakes, made it hard to trust me again but I am one thousand percent committed to you, to us". "I promise". "We can do this, Sweetheart"... "Together!".

"I love you, Jason".

"I love you too, Sweetheart".

"Are you ready, Stassi". "The van is waiting".

"I".... "I think so, Coach".

"Look at me, Sweetheart". "It's ok to be nervous, but I'll be right behind you". "I'll meet you there, ok!?".

A few week's back, Jason finally got extra privileges which means now he can get day passes to come visit me to help me settle in my new place because I am so terrified.

"I am so nervous, but I am thankful you are here with me". "I don't know if I could do this without you by my side, Jason".

"I would do anything for you, Sweetheart".

I know he says that now, but I can't help wonder how true that really is or just how much I can believe what he says after the hell he put me through with, Jasmine. What's to say he won't do it again with someone else, how do I know he won't.

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