Chapter 15

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                                         CARA'S POV

Stassi's been here a month now and has barely looked at me, let alone said two words to me since the first day she arrived which has allowed, Jason and I to get to know one another a hole lot more. He's really a nice guy, and funny too. I can see why, Stassi love's him as much as she does. But her reason for not talking to me, I just don't understand it. I have no idea what ive done wrong. I mean ive been nothing but nice to her and, Jason.

Stepping into the doorway of her room, I find her there sprawled out on her bed reading.

"Stassi, can we talk please".

Setting her book down, Stassi sighs rolling her eyes as she sit's up crossing her legs on the bed infront of her.

"I guess if we have to".

'That right there'...'That attitude!'. 'What the hell did I do?'.

"So, what do you want to talk about?".

Nervously, I step in taking a seat at the foot of, Stassi's bed seeing the noticable shift in her body language as I do so.

'This conversation should be fun'.

                                      STASSI'S POV

'Ugh!, what now!'. 'I've had my eye on this bitch now for the past month'. 'I know she wants, Jason'. 'I see the way she looks at him when he's around and how she giggles at every little thing he says'. 'She's even started hanging out with him more often like a lost dog, it's really quite pathetic'.

"Are you mad at me?". "Did I do something wrong?".

'You can not be that stupid to not know what the issue is, Bitch'.

"Why would I be mad at you?".

'I'll tell you why, because you're a slut'. 'That's why!!'.

"Well, I don't know". "That's what I don't understand and why im asking".

I've had the same reoccurring dreams for the last month, the only difference is the locations in which the dreams take place.

It's the same dreams where this slut sitting across from me is in some way getting it on with MY boyfriend. It started out tame, them making out here and there when they thought I wasn't looking. Then they started touching eachother when they knew full well I was watching, I think they actually get off on it or something.

Then last night I dreamed, Jason was fucking, Cara. Again!. In MY BED!!. And she wonders why im pissed. Like really, Bitch!.

"I have my reasons". "I just don't want to be around you".

"But, why?". "What did I do?".

"You know exactly what you've done". "Don't try and deny it, Slut".

I knew I was starting to get heated because I could see out of my peripheral vision that some of the other women were watching, but right now I honestly don't give a fuck. This bitch know's exactly what she's doing.

                                         CARA'S POV

'Slut!?'. 'I'm so confused'.

What did I do that would make her think that I was a slut?. I mean, ive been nothing but kind to her and, Jason.

Yes ive been hanging around, Jason a little more than usual. But we're just friend's, and I know that.

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