Chapter 7

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                                       JASON'S POV

Today my girl was granted a day pass from the hospital and I get to spend the entire day with her, so ive planned something special for us but mostly it's for her. Have to keep up appearances after all.

"Can you at least give me a little hint?".

"Nope!". "I don't want to ruin the surprise, baby".

"I hate you and I hate surprises!!".

"You love me and you'll love this one".

My baby loves the zoo, especially the Panda's. Heck, she practically wishes she could live there. So even though I had no idea what the fuck I was doing I somehow managed to search online and found the perfect place for us to visit. It's a zoo that has a rescue sanctuary for panda bears and we get to experience it all to ourselves. Honestly, if you asked me to find the site again id have to tell you to go fuck yourself.

But she loves this crap and I know she's going to freak out in the best possible way and I can't wait, the headache will have been worth it...

'Best boyfriend EVER award, here I come'. 'That's right bitches, take notes!!'.

It's taken me alot to convince, Stassi to forget the night that she didn't see what see thought she saw because what she thinks she didn't see, she actually did see.

And what she saw was me and, Jasmine full on making out in the stairwell. She can never find out about that night in that stairwell with, Jasmine. Maybe this will be the final thing that helps her to forget that heated night.

"Fine!!". "How much further then?".

"Not long, sweetheart".

The Zoo begins to come into view and, Stassi get's an odd confused look on her face.

"Jason!"... "What is this place?". "Where are we?".

"You'll see, baby".

We round a corner and the big sign finally comes into view. 'Oakland Zoo!!'. Her eyes bulge out as she point's to the big sign.

"OH MY GOD!!!". "It's the freaking Zoooooo!!!". "You brought me to the, Zoo".

"I did!". "Are you surprised?".

"Oh my god, yes!!".

"And I haven't even showed you the best part yet".

"There's more!?, what is it?".

We step out of the truck and she runs to me, leaping in my arms and hugging me tight.

"Ooomph!!". "Easy, baby".

I grab ahold of her hand pulling her to my side as we walk toward's the entrance.

"Come, let me show you the best part".

She bounces along on her tiptoes like a little kid would when they are really excited about something as we pay for passes and head to our destination. As we get closer she squints her eye's reading another slightly smaller sign.

"Paaannnda Saaanctuaaary!!?".

It takes a moment for it to register before she finally stops in her track's causing me to almost fall back as she squeezes my hand.

"OH!". "MY!". "GOD!!!". "FREAKING PANDA'S???". "BABY, I LOVE YOU!!!".

She takes a deep breath trying to compose herself.

"Can we go?".

"That's why we're here". "Come on, baby".

                                      STASSI'S POV

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