Chapter 24

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                                        CARA'S POV

"So are you going to tell me that happened with you and, Jason?". "Or am I just going to sit here and keep guessing, because I can come up with some pretty scandalous ideas". "Talk to me, babe". "You guy's were solid last I heard".

"Yeah, I thought we were too".

"So then, what happened?".

"What alway's fucking happens, he cheated".

"He, WHAT!?". "That can't be right,  you can't be serious". "Jason loves you,  that man would do anything to keep you happy".

"Yeah, until he got a better offer that he obviously couldn't refuse".

"What are you talking about?".


Shutting at even the sound of that name, I think back to all the uneasy interactions I even had with her when she looked me up and down like I was a five course meal.

"That bitch has been after, Jason for month's". "I never liked her". "What does she have to do with any of this?".

"That's who he cheated on me with".

"He wouldn't do that,  he know's how much you can't stand her".

"Yeah, well I guess his dick over ruled his brain and his sense of loyalty to his wife". "And it wasn't just once, it's been going on for month's".

"I'm shocked, did he at least tell you why or try to explain himself?".

"I wouldn't let him". "I saw the evidence, Cara". "I didn't want to hear him lie to me yet again".

"Stassi!". "I'm not proud of this knowledge, but I know from first hand experience that tapes can be altered to show a totally different scenario then what actually happened"... "You should talk to him, let him explain his side at least".

"But how do I know what the truth is?".

"You have to listen to your heart, the answers will come". "He loves you,  Stassi". "Just talk to him".

"Why do you care so much about what happens to us?".

"Because you guys are married now". " And seeing yours and, Jason's relationship rocky or not still gives me the sense of hope for myself and my future".

Stassi sighs running her hand down her face before speaking again.

"Fine!, I'll talk to him". "But im not promising anything". " I just need a few day's to process everything".

"Thank you,  that's all I ask".

                                     STASSI'S POV

A few day's after my talk with, Cara and working through my feeling's I had called, Jason to meet with me at the diner. So here I sit waiting for him to arrive.

'Where the hell is that man, he's late'.

The door chimes bringing me back to the present and I look up seeing, Jason scanning the diner searching for me. Locking eye's with me he smiles walking over to the table and sliding into the seat across from me.

"Hey, Sweetheart". "I'm glad you called,  I missed you".

"I just thought that maybe we should talk about thing's".

"Anything,  Sweetheart!". "I'll tell you anything you want to know".

Pausing for a moment im stuck in my head again wondering what im doing here and wondering if I honestly want to know the truth about what really happened with.... HER!.

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