Chapter 11

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                                     STASSI'S POV

"Where do you want these last few boxes, Miss?".

"Oh, just in the back bedroom down the hall, please".

"Sure thing, Miss".

Moving day!!. The day that should be the happiest day of my entire life because I finally got to leave that shit hole they call a hospital. But honestly, im not happy. I haven't been happy for month's now because I haven't heard from my old friend's and none of them showed up for my ceremony last night, I guess they are all just to busy for me now and I know I should be heartbroken over that, but honestly, ive met so many other amazing people in my journey to recovery that im really ok.

Jasmine, called me earlier this morning saying that she had something important she needed to talk about but wouldn't tell me exactly what was going on. I could tell in her voice that it was something serious though so im a little worried about that. Honestly I don't know how many more hit's our friendship can take.

I get pulled from my thought's when, Jason comes up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and kisses me on the neck.

"You're all set, Beautiful". "Everything is here". "Do you need help unpacking?".

"No, I think I'll be ok". "Jasmine is stopping by in a little bit".

Last night after my ceremony, Jason and I parted way's leaving me heartbroken that we couldn't be together in the way I really want us to be. Even though we are both free from the hospital, we are still kind of in our owne hellish nightmare still being controlled by other people that have the authority to tell us how to live our 'Not So Free' lives.

"Ok, Sweetheart". "If you need anything else just text me". "I'm meeting with the guy's for poker tonight".

'Ugh!, I hate when he has poker night's'. 'That bitch better stay the fuck away from him this time'.

                                      JASON'S POV

I could see the sudden shift in, Stassi's demeanor the second I mentioned poker night's with the guy's. She still hates that I am involved in that because of the misunderstanding the last time with, Makai's wife.

Grabbing, Stassi's hand I pull her tight to my chest.

"What are you thinking, Baby?". "I can see the sudden shift in my sweet girl".

"It's just...".

She pauses, struggling to find the right words. Then whisper's her concern.

"Will she be there?".

"You mean, Sophia?". "Yes, Sweetheart". "She's my best friend's wife". "But I made it very clear to her that what she did was wrong and that I am one hundred percent off limits".

"That still doesn't make me feel any better". "She hit on you, Jason". "I don't like that she is around you if I can't be there".

"Babe!". "You know I can't exclude her from coming, it doesn't work that way". "Her husband is my best friend, she's a package deal where that's concerned".

"I know!". "But that doesn't mean that I have to like it".

"Babe, you know I love you right".

'That's right, Marrow'. 'Keep trying to convince yourself of that!'.

"I know you do".

'If you only knew what I did in that restroom at the event last night'. 'But I couldn't help myself and neither could, Jasmine so it's yet again another lie I have to try and keep at bay'. 'I just hope, Jasmine know's what's good for her and keeps her mouth shut as well'.

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