Chapter 25

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                                      STASSI'S POV

"This was absolutely stunning". "I can't believe we finally got to take our dream honeymoon".

Looking out the big sliding glass doors of our tropical beach front house overlooking the bright blue sky, the sand beaches and the crystal clear water. I can't believe our Fiji trip is over and we'll be heading home tomorrow.

Jason comes up behind me wrapping his arm's around my waste pulling me into his bare chest.

"Yes, Sweetheart ". "You are absolutely stunning".

He lowers his hands down placing them on my belly as he kisses my neck.

"How are you feeling today, Sweetheart?".

"Mmmm, better". "The  nausea isn't as bad today".

After everything that went down with, Makai and Sophia. Jason decided to cut ties with both of them to prove how committed he truly was to me. A few week's after that we found out I was pregnant, about seven month's now. The pregnancy was tough in the beginning with the morning sickness but, Jason took good care of me the entire time and we figure it happened the first night we moved into our new house. We've had a few ultrasounds and decided that we wanted to wait to find out the sex of the baby.

"Have I told you lately how happy you make me, Sweetheart?".

"Only about a thousand times a day, but I wouldn't mind hearing it again".

                                      JASON'S POV

When I first found out that, Stassi was pregnant I was literally overwhelmed but so completely overjoyed, if that's even possible. So when I cut ties with, Kai and, Sophia it was literally the easiest decision ever. I never thought in a million year's that id be a husband let alone a father to a small human. And even though im nervous as hell, I honestly can't wait to meet our little one and be able to cherish him or her forever. And seeing my wife like this just makes me love her that much more.

"You've made me the happiest man on the face of the earth". "I love you and this little one so much, Sweetheart". "So what do you want to do on our last night in paradise?.

"Well". "Little one is hungry again, so I thought we could change and go check out our favorite restaurant".

"That sound's perfect, Sweetheart".

We both change and head out for one last romantic evening.

"Good evening!". "I'm, Layla and I'll be your waitress this evening". "Is it just the two of you?".

"Yes it is". "The reservation is under, Marrow". "We're on our final night of our honeymoon".

"Oh congrats, Sir". "Right this way, I have just the table for you".

We got seated and I did the gentlemanly thing by pulling out my lovely wife's chair for her to sit.

"There you are, Sweetheart".

"Thank you, baby".

I could tell, Stassi was annoyed right away. Not because I was entertaining the fact that the waitress was blatantly checking me out right infront of her, but just for the simple fact that she was.

"She doesn't hold a candle to you, Sweetheart". "Don't let it ruin our last night, I love you and only you".

"I love you too, Jason".

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