Chapter 9

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                                      STASSI'S POV

A few week's have passed since I lost my best friend and my boyfriend to the real world outside these stale white walls. Yeah I talk with my best friend every day, but it just isn't the same. Jasmine is doing her owne thing now and, Jason just seems different lately, distant. He hardly call's anymore.

"I miss you so much, tell me what it's like to live on the outside in the real world". "Let me live vicariously through you".

"Oh don't be so dramatic". "You act like you're serving a life sentence, Stassi". "It's the same as living in the hospital, only a little more"... "Freeing".

"Well it is practically like living in a jail, so...".

I roll my eye's annoyed that she is knowingly keeping something juicy from me.

"Would you please just humor me, Jasmine". "Have you done anything?". "Met anyone new?". "Tell me the juicy gossip, im dying in here".


I shriek in the phone causing, Jasmine to pull it away from her ear, im sure.

"Do you really need to do that?". "I need my ear drums you know".

"Shut up!". "Who is he?, what does he do?". "Tell me everything!!".

"Well, I'm not really supposed to say anything".

"Ooooh!!, a secret love affair". "Now you HAVE to tell me".

The phone is silent until I finally hear, Jasmine whisper into the receiver.

"Ok!". "But you can't tell anyone about it, because he could seriously lose his job if anyone finds out".

I roll my eye's making a comment that I only meant purely as a complete joke.

"What, are you dating the rehab coach or something?".

The phone goes dead silent again and I instantly clue into the reality of her silence.

"OH!". "MY!". "GOD!!". "You ARE dating the rehab coach!!"...."JASMINE!!!".

"Sssshh, Shush!!". "Stassi, you promised".

"Actually!!"... "I didn't". "You never gave me a chance to answer". "But oh my god, how did that even happen?".


"Tell me everything, don't leave anything out".

"It just kinda happened".

I roll my eye's a third time knowing that nothing ever just 'kinda happens' when it comes to, Jasmine.

"You remember that I know you right, Jasmine!?".... "So, spill!!".

Another lengthy pause echo's through the phone before, Jasmine finally spills her most recent deepest darkest secrets.

"Ok, fine!!". "I might of went looking for him the night before I got discharged". "And I might of had a small itch I needed scratched".

"You mean you did go looking for him because you did have an itch that needed scratching". "So what exactly did you find on this hunt for coach because of this itch that you so desperately had to have scratched?".

"I found him in his office doing paperwork".


"And, well!!"... "I kind of maybe sort of seduced him just a little bit".

"You kind of maybe sort of seduce him?".

At this point im starting to sound more like a parrot and less like a person.

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