Chapter 4

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                                   STASSI'S POV

It's been three week's since, Katie and Avory found me passed out in that grungy bathroom. Three week's of excruciatingly painful detox. The pain has been unbearable but, Jason has been by my side the entire time holding my hand and being there for me. My rock.

"Hey, babe". "Guess what!".

Oh!. Jason and I have also gotten closer, and I really like him. I just wish I knew how he truly felt about me.

"What, Jason?".

"The doctor said that I am finally good enough to go home tomorrow". "I still have to check in with the councilor every day, but they are finally releasing me from the hospital".

He looks so excited, so how do I tell him that my heart is breaking inside.

"That's awesome, babe". "I'm so happy for you".

I look away quickly catching the few tears that threaten to escape, before turning back to him and trying to muster up another genuine fake smile.

"Are you ok?". "You look upset".

"Yeah, yep!". "I'm fine". "I swear".

                                  JASON'S POV

'I know this woman better than she knows herself, and she's is not fine!'.' I can see it written all over her face'. 'Is she really not happy for me?, is she really that upset?'. I don't ask anything more, I don't want to push it and upset her further.

"We should probably get to group, or we're going to be late".

"Yeah!, ok".

We head in the room and the counselor pull's me aside.

"So, Jason". "I heard some exciting news today".

I glance over to, Stassi and she's looking down at her hands not meeting my gaze.

"Yeah!, I get to go home tomorrow".

I look back over at, Stassi, and notice a single tear falling from her cheek... 'FUCK!, she really is upset about this'. I have to talk to her tonight. I have to tell her how I really feel, that just because im leaving the hospital doesn't mean it's the end of us. It will only be just the beginning.

                                   STASSI'S POV

'God, look how happy he is!'. 'How can I be so selfish that he finally has his life on track, just because im still struggling with mine'. 'Why can't I just be happy for him, what is wrong with me?'.

We sit in group about another hour before it's finally time to take a break.

"Ok, everyone!". "Take a five minute break". "Grab a drink and some food, use the washroom if you need to". "Then we'll meet back here".

I walk over to the food table... 'He's staring at me again'.

"I can feel your eye's on me, Jason".

"Can you blame me?". "You're gorgeous".

I blush looking down at my hands... 'How can he think im gorgeous when I look like a complete mess?'.
"Meet me tonight?". "At our special place".

It sounded more like a question rather than a statement, like he maybe wasn't confident that I'd say yes. Honestly I wasn't even sure I wanted to say yes. 'What if he wants to end thing's?'. 'What if this is the end for us!'.

                                          JASON'S POV

I can see the struggle she's battling with, written all over her face. 'Does she even want to meet me?'. 'Is she afraid that im going to end thing's?'. I grab both her hands before I speak.

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