Chapter 16

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                                POKER NIGHT!!.

A drama free zone where friend's can get together, let lose, hang out, drink and just have fun. But is it really that simple?.

                                    JASON'S POV

Tonight has to go well, it has to. Stassi has to see that my friend's aren't a threat to our relationship. I mean yeah there was a few incidents with,Soph that could have cost me my relationship but it didn't because I resisted.Sophia shouldn't of been in my room anyway,she knew where the bathroom was because I had shown everyone the first day,she said she took a wrong turn which I had to believe was true.But it did pissed me off though to the point where I needed to show her what it meant to be Submissive, she needed to know her place in this house.

But before I could do anything to discipline her, like tossing her to my bed and f*cking her senselessly she slipped out of my room back to the kitchen where her husband was. I wanted so badly that night to know what it would feel like to be buried deep inside her sweet core.I knew then that she was going to be a temptation that I would most definitely have to resist,but it's so damn hard when she doesn't make it easy to resist her when she just throws herself at me and doesn't even try to hide it from anyone.

                 KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK

                 'Well, here go's nothing'.

"Are you ready, Sweetheart?".

                                   STASSI'S POV

Jason steps to the door opening it and a beautiful blonde haired woman immediately steps through the threshold of the door hugging, Jason in a very VERY intimate way nuzzling her face into his neck, smelling him like she's known him for year's instantly making the jealousy in my body spike to an all-time high.

'Who does this bitch actually think she is getting that close to my man like that'.

"Hello, Soph!".

'Soph?'.... 'Sophia!'. 'The dumb bitch that almost fucked up our relationship month's ago'. 'Why the Fuck is she here?'.

"Sophia, that's enough!". "We talked about this". "You promised you would be respectful in, Jason's house tonight".

She finally let, Jason go swatting the guy that spoke up before speaking herself.

"Oh hush, Babe". "It was a harmless hug".

'Harmless hug, my ass'. 'It was a very intimate intentional hug, an attempt designed to piss me off, and the annoying part about it is'... 'It worked'. 'I mean you're married for fuck sake'.

"Sophia, this is my fiancee, Stassi".  

'What a bitch, shoving past me not even acknowledge the fact that I was even in the room'.

"Sorry about her, she can be a little...".

"Bitchy!!". "Yeah, I noticed".

"Sweetheart, please!".

Jason look's to me with a pleading look in his eye's before grabbing my hand, walking with me to the kitchen.

'Why the hell do I have to be the bigger person, im alway's the bigger person in these types of situations'. 'She's the one being a complete and utter bitch'. 'She better stay in her lane tonight, that's all I can say'.

A few poker hands in and three beers each under our belts, everyone seems to be having a good time.

Kissing, Jason on the cheek I get up telling him I have to use the bathroom.

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