Chapter 10

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                                   JASMINE'S POV

"Stop worrying, he'll be here". "He promised you he would be, right!?".

"Yeah, but the ceremony is about to start, Jas". "What if he changed his mind, what if he isn't coming".

"Just relax, he will show".... "Now, finish getting ready and I'll see you out there".

"Ok". "I love you, bestie".

"I love you too, babe".

Stassi, turns her back to me and I help her to finish zipping up her stunning black off the shoulder knee length dress.

"You know, all the men in that ballroom won't be able to keep their eye's off you". "You look stunning, babe".

"Thank's, you look pretty killer yourself in that fabulous red dress". "I bet coach hottie won't be able to keep his hands off you either".

"He know's he has to behave tonight". "I told him that if he was a good boy then he could play later".

After zipping her dress the rest of the way we hug tight for a few brief moments before we finally let go and I head out to the large ballroom that's rented out for tonight's ceremony. I am so proud of how far, Stassi has come with what she has accomplished over the last few month's. The shit, Jason and I have put her through. When she confronted me yesterday about the affair it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders that I didn't have to keep this ugly secret anymore. Yes she was pissed, but we talked through it and I think our friendship is strong enough that we can bounce back.

Walking past the public restroom so deep in my thought's I don't hear the door's soft squeak as it's pulled open.

A set of strong warm arm's wrap around my waist from behind pulling me from my thought's as I am pressed into a firm toned body and back into the empty restroom.... 'What the actual fuck'.

The stranger pushes me up against the cold hard tile of the restroom wall facing away from them not allowing me to see them as I hear the click of the door locking behind us.

Panicked, I struggle trying to get free from the strong hold the stranger now has on my wrists that they have pinned above my head. Pressing their body into me I now realize that it is a male body because this fucker actually has an erection pressed into my ass, my emotions conflicted between fear and excitement for whatever comes next. I know my thought's are a little twisted but I am a sex addict after all, and as fucked up as it may sound, this has actually been one of my greatest fantasies. To be held against my will.

                                        JASON'S POV

When I woke up this morning I had every intention of only coming to see, Stassi for her ceremony as we had talked the day before and smoothed thing's over. She has come such a long way over the past few month's considering the extra shit ive put her through.

But when I caught a glimpse of, Jasmine in that killer red dress for the first time again after she cut me lose month's ago, my cock instantly reacted and stood at attention. I don't entirely know what it is about this woman, I just know that I need to have my dick buried deep inside her sweet center.

I know that it's not right for me to pray on her addiction like I am, but dammit she's to fucking sweet to resist.

"Who are you, what do you want with me?".

'Oh, my dear sweet little flower'.... 'I just want to be buried deep inside your sweet pussy. That's all, Daddy ever wants'.

When she had began to struggle against my strong hold I can't even begin to tell you how fucking turned on she made me or how fucking stiff my cock even became... It was excruciating.

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