Chapter 22

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                                       STASSI'S POV

I can't shake this feeling or put my finger on it but I know something is going on with, Jason. He's acting the same way he alway's has when he's feeling guilty about something. The intimacy between us the last few week's has become less and he's coming home later or some night's not at all, so I know something is wrong. He also hardly touches or look's at me anymore, like ive become disgusting to him or something. Yes I know im not the prettiest women in the world, but at least he used to look at me like I was.


Not looking up from his morning paper his nose is stuck in, he gives a half grunt in response.


"Do you still love me?".

'That sure got his attention'. 

Looking up, he sets the paper down now finally giving me his full attention.

"What are you talking about, of course I love you".

"Then why does it feel like you're pulling away from me".

Sighing, he stands walking to me placing his hands on either side of my arm's. An action he hasn't done in week's.

"I told you, Sweetheart"... "I'm just tired from the shift change at work and all the late night's from the changes the last few week's, that's all".

'Sweetheart!'.... Something else he used to call me every chance he got, now I hardly hear it at all either.

Letting it go like ive done so many times in the past, I finally just change the subject.

"Will you be home for dinner tonight?".

Jason's phone buzzes for the third time in his pocket in the last five minutes that we've been talking, interrupting us again before he has a chance to respond. Finally taking his phone out of his pocket he turns his back away from me reading the text immediately cursing under his breath.

"Fuck!". "Looks like it's going to be another late night". "I'll grab something to eat at work, one of the guy's called in sick again". "I have to go".

Still not acknowledging me he grabs his keys and wallet, mutters out one final thing leaving me standing in shock and defeated before the door slams shut behind him.

"Probably shouldn't wait up for me either, Stassi".

'Have I mentioned his mood swings have become impossible to deal with'. 'Almost coming off as condescending and dismissive'. 'Just because he put a ring on my finger, doesn't mean he can speak to me like that'.

                                       JASON'S POV

I know, Stassi feel's neglected lately and I really do feel horrible about that. But what am I supposed to do, I was backed into a corner that I have no idea how to get out of other than to obey.

When I finally looked at the message from, Sophia I knew I had kept her waiting far too long.

She made it very clear early on that I was never to ignore her in any way or be late and requesting my services multiple times a week was none negotiable. Claiming she couldn't get enough of my cock making it also very clear that if I disobeyed her there would be immediate consequences. I on the other hand could honestly do without because ive just become so numb to the action of sex that I can't even stand to touch my owne damn wife anymore because I know ive betrayed her and our vows. I'm just so afraid she'll smell the act of sex coming from my body each time I get home that I alway's end up showering immediately before going near her hoping she doesn't suspect anything.

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