Chapter 6

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Author note before starting this chapter: The stuff that's written in bold with brackets around it is that person's thought's that is talking when it's in another person's POV.  When it's the person's POV having the thought's it'll be in quotation marks.       
       CHARACTER INTRODUCTIONS                

                                      CHARACTER INTRODUCTIONS                

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Name: Makai Alexander Frederico.
Age: 27.
Occupation: Junior executive at a law firm.
Status: Married to Sophia Louise Hayes for 3 year's.           


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Name: Sophia Louise Hayes.
Age: 23.
Occupation: Secretary at the law firm where Makai works.
Status: Married to Makai Alexander Frederico for 3 year's.

                               STASSI'S POV 

It's been a week since, Jason left the hospital. I've been working my ass off to stay on track by exercising and just keeping busy.

Today during group I had finally gotten my very first one monthaversary chip of sobriety and couldn't wait to call, Jason to tell him.

We made a promise to eachother before he left that we would make the conscious effort to take turns calling eachother every single day now that I have phone privileges, and today it's my turn and I can't wait to give him my good news.

                              Ring Ring Ring

Strange female voice: "Hello!?, Sophia speaking".

"Oh, uh!".

I stare at my phone, making sure that I dialed the right number.

'I did dial the right number, so then why...?'.

"Is, Jason there?".


Strange female voice: "Babe, it's for you".

'What in the actual fuck!!'.

"Hello!?". "This is, Jason speaking".

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