I'm Sorry Louis:(

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"I hope so too." I whispered into Mon's ear, earning a shiver from her. I looked down at her to see she was blushing.

She moved he head down so she faced the floor. I put my finger under her chin and moved her head up so she faced me.

I looked into her beautiful brown eyes. I moved a strand of hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. "You're beautiful." I whispered.

"Stop being so cute!" All of the girls gushed watching us. Now both Mon and I were blushing.

Liam could see we were embarrassed and helped change the subject. "Nerf Gun War!"

"YES!" We all screamed.

"How about the girls vs. the boys?" Louis smirked.

"Bring it!" All the girls screamed. We got our guns and we let the girls have the first floor as we were sent upstairs. Since we had an extra player, we let the girls have a head start.

"We should be team Direction." Harry said smiling. We all agreed.

"One, Two, Three!" We said running out of my room. I ran towards the stairs. I saw Liam had already cornered Kat and Niall was chasing Ashley around the couch. I spotted Mon in the kitchen.

"Don't Move." I said pointing my Nerf gun at her. She turned around startled, eyes wide. She tried running away, but I caught her from behind and picked her up.

"I said don't move." I whispered into her ear. I set her down, but I still held her close.

"Got you." She whispered as she shot my chest. I must have looked shocked because she started laughing.

She quickly ran, but she was so fast I couldn't see where she went.

I saw underneath the staircase Harry and Allie were snogging.

"What the heck Harry?" I said shooting the back of his head. That made them separate. Harry winked at her before she ran off.

I ran into the living room to see Kaitlyn was straddling Liam. She had him right where she wanted him. She quickly shot his chest, before running off. Liam looked as shocked as we were.

Ashley was now cournering Niall. She shot him quickly before also running off. Louis and Harry were the only boys left. Harry waved before he ran up the stairs.

"FOUND YOU!" He yelled. I guess he found one of the girls. We didn't hear anything for a little bit until.

"ALLIE!" Harry shouted. Allie came quickly running down the stairs and went behind Liam. He stuck his tongue out at her before sitting down next to me on the couch.

"She shot me." He muttered. We all laughed at him, but he just glared at us.

"I'VE BEEN SHOT!" We head Louis shout. We ran into the kitchen to see Mon smiling. Kat and Ashley than appeared from behind the counter.

"They ganged up on me." He said crossing his arms.

"Sorry Loubear!" They all said hugging him.

"These girls, play dirty." Niall said laughing.

"Yeah Allie." Harry said now also crossing his arms.

"How'd Allie get you?" I said laughing.

"SHe kissed me and than shot my chest, still kissing me." He said glaring at her.

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