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 Monica's P.O.V.

They looked like a deer in headlights.

"Hello?" I laughed shyly, scared to hear their answer.

"You were" Niall started


My face got more and more red as he winked at me.

The whole car started clapping even Louis took his hands off the wheel for a second to applaud me.

"Was I really that good?" I now looked like a tomato.

"Yeah." They all said in sync.

   We talked the rest of the way there about our favorite colors and Niall's favorite food. They all were so down to earth.

I always wondered how this moment would be, talking to them and them actually wanting to know about me, but I never thought it would be better than I imagined.

My mouth dropped wide open when I saw their place.

"This is your place?"

"What never seen a pop stars mansion before?" Harry joked.

Niall and Harry stood on either side of me to make sure I didn't fall.

"You still dizzy?" Harry asked.

I just nodded not wanting Niall to feel bad.

When we walked in I literally peed myself. They had a large couch with an even bigger flat screen TV. They had a wide, curved staircase leading up to all of their rooms. They had posters of themselves hanging everywhere with their CD Up All Night.

"What do you think?" Liam asked with a huge grin on his handsome face.

"I think you are a little full of yourselves, but nice!" I winked at him.

"Well its getting late, we would take you home, but we wouldn't want to leave you alone if you aren't feeling great. Do you want to maybe stay the night?" Liam asked sweetly.

"Only if you all are alright with it"

"We don't mind at all." Niall said in a hurry.

"OK then, thank you!" I replied thankfully.

"Here I will show you to your room then, follow me" Harry added.

"You sure you don't mind me being here?" I unsurely asked.

"Its my honor" He replied and then bowed.

"Now you don't worry about a thing, get some sleep" He leaned in and kissed me on the forehead.

"Night Harry."

"Good night Mon, get some sleep now." He smiled and closed my quietly closed the door.

This can't be happening.


Harry's P.O.V.


  I walked down the stairs with a grin covering my whole face. She just seemed like no other girl I have ever met. I sat quietly on the couch still smiling just thinking of how beautiful Monica is.

"Earth to Harry" Zayn waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry." I said, blushing slightly.

"I think Harry has a bad case of the love bug" Louis joked. They all made little kissy faces.

"Ha ha very funny, but I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Yup, he is hopeless" Niall added.

  Was this true?

Did I like Monica?

No I can't I just met her like 3 hours ago.

I can't already like her.

Or can I?

Niall's P.O.V.

   Dang it.

Harry liked Monica.

How come he gets all of the girls?

Can't I just have this one?

Not saying I like her or anything, just can't he just be friends with a girl and not hit on her?

Anyway, she is very sweet.

And pretty.

I wonder if she likes Harry?

Oh please god, don't like Harry.

"Hey Niall," Liam sat down next to me on the couch.

"You alright? You seem a little, I don't know, mad?"

"Me mad, phshhh no," I could feel my face heat up.

"Yes you are come on Niall whats wrong?"

"Can't he just leave the poor girl alone!" I clenched my fists.

I was right....right?

"Niall its fine that's just the way he is, I'm gonna crash see you tomorrow."

I was really mad now. Just because he is naturally a flirt means I have to give up Monica? I am doing this as a friend only a friend. 

I just don't want him to break her heart.

Its on Harry.


Thanks guys for reading this!!!

I tried to do some different P.O.V's this time and I made this a little longer!

I hope this is starting to interest you!

It will get better...promise!!!

xoxo Ashley!






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