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Harry's P.O.V.

I woak up early the next morning. Mon was tossing and turning all night. I felt her forehead and she defiantly had a fever. I had to make her feel comfortable all day long. I made sure my schedule was clear and layed my head down next to my beautiful sleeping girlfriend.

I did feel bad about not telling the guys about Mon and me, but i know how they would react. Mad. They always blame me for not letting them see Mon. They think I'm over protective or something. I'm not over protective, I just care about Monica...a lot.

Every day I fell harder and harder for her. When I just look at her my heart beats faster, so fast I'm surprised my heart didn't burst. It went even crazier when she held my hand or hugged me.

I saw her eyes flutter open. Even though, she is really sick, she still looks beautiful. Her dazzling hazel eyes are still bright as can be.

"Morning love, how are you feeling?" I said taking her hand and moving it closer to my lips. I kissed her soft hand and lets our fingers intertwine.

"Horrid." She said with a sad smile. I felt so bad for her. I hated being sick myself, I never knew it would be even worse to see her sick. I gave her a sad smile.

"Aww! I'm sorry babe! Do you want me to get you some chicken noodle soup?" I said shrugging.

"Yes please" She said giving me a small smile.

"No there's beautiful Mon's amazing smile I could never ever get tierd of" I said smiling at my amazing girlfriend.

She blushed a little before smiling at me. "I'll be right back with your soup." I said getting out of bed and kissing her cheek before I headed to the kitchen.

I looked at the big clock that hung above the fireplace and realized it was only 7. Poor Mon. I hated seen her like this.

I went into the kitchen and went straight to the pantry. I was searching everywhere for some chicken noodle soup.

"Looking for something?" I turned around to see Liam standing on the other side of the kitchen with a sleepy look on his face. I nodded and he came over to the pantry, where I was standing.

"Whatcha looking for?" He said after watching me rummage through the cans and cereals for a couple minutes now.

"Chicken noodle soup." I said not even turing to face him.

"You only bring out the "special" soup when your sick, you OK Harry?" He said putting air quotes up for the word special.

"Yeah I'm fine, but Mon's sick." I said sadly.

"Aww! Poor Mon, she have a fever?" He said curiously.

I nodded before I went to the fridge.

"It wouldn't be in there, it's in the cabinet above the stove." he said pointing over to the cabinet.

"Thanks." I said giving him a small smile after finding the soup.

I made the soup and put it on a tray with a glass of warm tea. I carefully climbed the stairs and headed for her room.

"Here you go love." I said putting the tray in front of her. She sat up weakly and gave me a big smile.

"Thank you Harry, this means so much to me." She said blushing.

"Anything for my girl." I said leaning down and kissing her forehead.

"I'll be right back." I said going back downstairs to find all of the boys sitting sleepily on the couch.

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