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Monica's P.O.V.

I woak up the next morning tangled in Harry's arms. I looked up at him to see him still sleeping. Just looking at him sent all of last night's memories back into my head. Butterfly's filled my stomach just thinking about last night.

I snuggled back into Harry's said and close my eyes hoping to get more sleep. Nope. I heard the distant calling of my name. Oh crap.

"Harry, Harry" I said shaking him slightly and whispering into his ear. He is a heavy sleeper. I leaned in and kissed his cheek hoping that would wake him up. It didn't. I kissed his soft lips, knowing this had to wake him up. He admittedly kissed back. The butterfly's in my tummy were going crazy.

He responded very quick for a sleeping boy. Hmmm??? I pulled back from our sweet kiss to see Harry smiling.

"I will never get tired of that" He said kissing my temple. He was chuckling. I was very confused.

"What's so funny?" I said crossing my arms.

"I woak up when you called my the first time, I was just hoping to get another kiss." He said proud his plan had worked. I slapped his arm slightly.

"Ouch!" he said touching the part that I slapped.

"I'm sorry" I said leaning down and kissing the part of his arm I had slapped.

"You missed" his cheeky smile returned.

"Oh I'm sorry" I said leaning in close to his lips. I brushed my lips against his and than pulled away wanting to tease him.

"No teasing" he said all sad he didn't get his kiss. I laughed and snuggled back into his side. "oh yeah, why did you wake me up?"

"Ohhh the boys are looking for me..." I said pointing to the door for him to listen for them calling my name. "I was just thinking, maybe we should keep this a secret" I said dwindling my thumbs.

"Of course love, I was thinking the same thing." he said "So you better sneak back to your room some how..." He said trying to think of a way for me to escape. I climbed out of bed, remembering I was only wearing one of Harry's shirts. I blushed, but tried to hide it by looking at the ground.

"Oh no, their coming!" I said scrambling to the other side of the room and sliding under his bed. I made it just in time. All four boys busted the door open, looking around his room.

"Where's Mon" Niall said still looking around the room.

"I...I don't know, I haven't seen her since she went out onto the deck." he said but didn't sound very convincing.

"You sure about that?" Louis said with a smirk.

"Uhhh, yeah" He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Than what's this?" Liam said picking up my jeans and t-shirt I was wearing yesterday. I had changed into one of Harry's t-shirts for before going to bed. Crap, we are screwed!

"Ohh I was going to, wash that for her"

"Don't lie to us Styles" Zayne said with a stern look on his face.

"I'm not"

"Alright, well tell us if you see her" Liam said pushing them all out of the door and shutting slowly.

I pooped up from under the bed and made climbed back into it. "That was close." I said looking up into Harry's hypnotising green eyes.

He nodded with wide eyes."You have no idea."

I made my way back to my room after cuddling with Harry for a few more minutes. They all went outside to look around and I made a break for it. I dashed into my room and climbed into the shower.

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